Chapter 28.

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Tobi's POV

Gawd, I messed up. I looked at my watch as I waited for the damned time to hurry up, it's as if the clock is going slower. Tope has also been ignoring, saying there's a high chance Abiola won't talk to her, because we had told her to be a part of it when she said no. I looked beside me to see her using her phone, I tried touching her but she removed her hands and turned around completely.

I sighed and kept on waiting. The image of Wale immediately got to my vision and I wanted nothing but to snap his head out of his body, that bastard. I thought I could trust the fool, but I was very wrong, very very wrong. I saw Tope stand up, I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to get something." She said and walked away. I watched her go into a shop and I kept on watching to make sure she comes out safe. Some minutes later, she came out holding a plastic bag.

She dropped it and the bag opened. It contained almost all Abiola's favorite snack and I knew what she was trying to do. She wanted to get out of the mess and leave me in it. So it's my business if Abiola would still want to see me. Gosh, I messed up big-time.

Finally, after some agonizing twenty minutes of waiting, we boarded our plane. We had to go in first because we were in the First class. Tope made me get it.

"Help me with my box." Tope muttered, her first words in hours. I dragged it off the machine and put in on our trolley. We waited a few more minutes and we got all our bags, while I pushed the trolley out of the airport. We ordered a cab and headed to our apartment.


"I'm going out." Tope said coming into my room.

"Where to?" I asked unpacking my t-shirts.

"Abiola's apartment, Konyii said she doesn't live far away from here." She picked up a random pen from my table. I was about to speak when she cut me off. "And no, you're not coming with me. You'll apologize on your own." And she left my room. I followed her. I wondered why she left her dad's house. That girl is just mysterious.

"I'll have to drop you. You're not going anywhere on your own." I said picking up my car keys.

"I said she doesn't live far away from here, it's a walkable distance. I know you're looking for a way to go with me." She said eying me.
"Let's go." I began walking out and she followed me. We got in and in five minutes, we were in front of the huge building with different apartments.

"When I'm done, I would call you." She said and waved then started heading into the building. I contemplated going after her, but decided against it, so I drove off.

Abiola's POV

"Bola, please get the chips on the kitchen counter." I said putting on the TV.

I had moved in a week ago and it has been really boring since I'm not used to living alone but I'll do what it takes to stay away from them. Bola, Sandra and Konyii decided to visit but, Konyii hasn't arrived yet. I haven't completely forgiven her, but I can't stay away from the idiot. And my mom doesn't even know where I am, neither does my dad. I had begged aunty Funmi to not tell them, she had disagreed at first, but I told her I would tell them myself.

"I guess Konyii is here." Sandra said, getting up from the bean bag.

She went to open the door, but I didn't hear Konyii's usual hollering so I went to check and besides she was taking time.  I got to the door and I found Tope standing there playing with her bag strap and looking really awkward.

"Hey." She said in a small voice and I knew she felt guilty.

"Hey, come in." I said opening the door wider, she walked in and I could sense an extra awkwardness between her and Sandra.

"Look, I'm really sorry. Big brother told me to help him, I didn't know he had someone here also and not just anyone but Wale. I thought he only wanted to make you feel jealous, I'm really sorry." She said all in one breath. Looking at me finally. I forgave her on the spot and hugged her, then she handed me a bag containing my favorite snacks.

"It's OK, you should have told me!" I looked at her pulling away from the hug.

"I'm sorry." She said once again and I hugged her again. We pulled away and I pulled her to sit on the couch. She looked around and turned to me. "Why did you leave your dad's house?" She looked surprised.

"It's a long story." I smiled and stood up to get the drinks. Tope followed me, dropping her bag on the couch.

"Then summarize it."

"Why do I feeling like you and Sandra have a past?" I had to ask.

"Because we do and it's not a good one. Can I make smoothie?" She asked, opening the fridge.

"I'll make it for you. Now tell me the bad past you guys shared." I pressed on.

"She was part of the people that made big brother take me away from school, I just can't forget the image. The way she felt no remorse whatsoever, to think that she was my 'friend'." She said, her face void of any emotion. It must have pained her so much because I remember Tobi saying she won't be going to school anytime soon. And the fact she remembers her face so much surprises me.

"I'm sorry, I was threatened." We both turned around to see Sandra standing by the door.

"You were threatened indeed." Tope scoffed. I knew she didn't believe her one bit.

"Jessy told me to do it!" Sandra said coming closer.

"I don't care." Tope said and walked out. Sandra looked at me, guilt covering her face. I shrugged, I couldn't do anything about it. We walked back to the sitting room and sat down. Bola was on a call, which I'm guessing is her mom.

"Hello people!" Konyii said opening the door and coming inside. I rolled my eyes and turned away, though I was still angry. "Habibi!" She said hugging me from behind. I shrugged her hands off and that was when she noticed Tope.

"She forgave me!" Tope said, bringing out her tongue.

"And she has been ignoring me." She looked at me and pecked my cheeks.

Eventually, we all sat down and began watching a romance series after I had made a smoothie for Tope. She ignored Sandra through out and I was surprised, never took her for someone who could hold a grudge this long. But then again, if it was me, I won't forgive you.

After hours of fun, Tope was ready to leave but I didn't want her to. We had apologized on Sandra's behalf, but she said only if Tobi lets her go to school again. She called Tobi and in less than ten minutes, he was by the door. Then I realised, his apartment is in the building behind mine. Tope picked her bag and walked to the door. I sat in the corner where I know Tobi won't see me, unless he comes in.

"Bye guys." I couldn't see if Tobi was looking for me or not and I didn't care. But deep down I wanted to confront him.

"Where's she, Abiola I mean?" I heard him ask. I waved my hand, indicating for someone to say I'm not here, but since Sandra and Bola doesn't know what's going on, pointed to my direction. Then they saw me waving my hands and looked confused.

He came in and looked at me, I looked back at him and he had changed. He definitely got finer than the last time and hotter. I tried walking away but he dragged me back with my elbows.

"Just let me go, or you're not done with the games?" I couldn't help but ask, making tears well up in my eyes. I saw the girls walking out from the corner of my eye and I've never wanted them in a room more than I wanted now.

"I'm sorr-" He was cut off by a slap. I had snapped him hard, my palm stung.

"Don't you dare tell me that, because you're not. I'm human you know and I have feelings." This time I was already crying and hiccuping. He gritted his teeth and looked at me, I pushed him away and walked into my room.

Next chapter might come up sooner. If only I get motivation oo!

Abiola is angry 😩😩 forgive us na.

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