Chapter 13. Slap!

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Abiola's POV

"The party is on Friday, I don't feel like going!" I whined to Konyii who was in her own house. I flipped over on my bed, now laying on my stomach, looking down at my flowered pattern white and purple pillow.

"You have to, you know that. Besides maybe you might find someone to go out with." She chuckled.

"You know parties like this are very boring and you said you won't come with me, it's just not fair. Your dad and mom are going, but it's fine if you don't." I pouted, even though she couldn't see me.

Her parents had said she could go if she wanted, while my dad said I must go with him and my mom. Just so not nice.

"You know I'm not your mate, so just calm down." She said and I sarcastically laughed.

"With just four months, please shift!" I replied.

We talked for sometime, but I hung up when I became hungry. I went down to the kitchen and saw one of the maids, I learnt her name was Mia. She is a short lady, brunette hair, tan skin and big brown eyes. She's very quiet and beautiful.

"Hey, can I have a chicken sandwich?" I asked her turning to the refrigerator to get a bottle of schweppes.

"Of course. Do I bring it to your room, or...."

"I'll be in the cinema room. Thanks." I carried an extra bottle of schweppes because, it is my favorite soda.

I checked Netflix for movies I could watch for atleast three hours, before it was time to pray. I finally settled on one and started watching. Some minutes into the cartoon, Mia came in with two sandwiches.

"Here, one is chicken and the second is vegetable. Lilly said I should make that for you." She added the last sentence when I began glaring at her.

I stood up to go out and talk to Lilly, when Lilly herself came in the cinema room, blocking my way.

"You've been lazy lately, no more gym. Atleast start dieting." I rolled my eyes, probably my mom's doing.

"Lilly, stop. I wanted just chicken sandwich, not some green leaves." I glared at the sandwich, I didn't even know which one has the chicken

"You have a fitting on thursday, tomorrow!" I grumbled and took a bite of the sandwich. Unlucky for me, she had put the bitter lettuce. Making me spit out the bite.

"This is disgusting, I'm full now, not hungry anymore." Lilly gave me a look. If I don't finish this, I'll regret it. I grumbled and finally, started eating to prevent some lectures.

Finally I finished eating and was almost done with my food, when my mom texted me.

"When you're done, tutor at 4pm."

I rolled my eyes. After the last time, I've always skipped lesson and would always tell Konyii to apologize to Ayo for me. And things has been going great. My parents didn't get to know anything.

As usual I texted Konyii to help me skip. It's good that they are almost together, taking things extra slow.

"Babe, please help me keep Ayo busy and tell him I won't come for tutor."

"I'm not helping you this time, go for tutor." I could see her rolling her eyes even though she isn't here.

"Please, babe." I heard shuffling.

"You know you aren't helping yourself." I rolled my eyes. Exams are still three months from now.

"I still have enough time, please."

ABIOLA Where stories live. Discover now