Chapter 8. Tutor starts

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Abiola's POV

When we got to the estate, it was a really nice estate. Ayo's house was a two storey building, I wonder what a bachelor would be thinking living in a two storey alone. I couldn't even live in a two bedroom apartment alone, that's why my parents had suggested I stayed with my cousin while my dad went to manage his business.
His house has this manly feels to it, not the homey feels. It is covered with manly cologne.  I knew if there was a woman living in the house, it would have the homey feels to it.

I looked outside to where the guys were talking, it looked like Ayo was mad at Tobi for some reason. He was throwing his arms around looking pissed, I so wanted to eavesdrop but I didn't.

I looked around the sitting room, it has a picture of Ayo and Tobi hanging on the wall facing the door, then a family picture with Tobi in it, Are they brothers? They don't look anything alike. They looked really young, probably still in university. There were three girls, two of them looked around my age, atleast when I was younger. While one looked younger, I couldn't help but go close to it. My gaze lingered on Tobi for some seconds, even the editing of the picture couldn't hide the tired look and dark circles around his eyes. He looked tired and vulnerable.

I was distracted by the guys entrance, making me turn to look at them. Ayo was still looking pissed while Tobi looked like a spanked kid that was trying so hard not to cry. The view made me want to laugh, but I held myself.

"Are you guys done?" I asked moving away from the picture.

"Yes, let's go to the cafe outside the estate. The cleaner needs to come and clean the house. " I looked around the house looked spotless, what is there to come and clean again?

" Don't worry, it's just the kitchen and my room. I made some mess there. " He said as if reading my thoughts. I just nodded.

"I'll be leaving then, I have some work to do. " Tobi said, bro hugging Ayo before giving me a slight nod. I didn't even acknowledge it and turned around to pick my bag up.

"Let's all leave then." Ayo suggested and we all went out and got into our respective cars. I noticed Ayos car was a black jeep too similar to Tobi's car.

We drove to the cafe, while Tobi drove on and didn't stop. Me and Ayo went in to the cafe. He opened the door and I got in, he came in after me. We chose a seat beside the window, well more like I chose it. We ordered coffee and I brought out my jotter and pen.

"So what department of medicine?" He asked after some silence

"Gynecology department, my love for babies made me choose that course. " I replied.

"I see, I'm a surgeon. After one of my younger sister died of heart problems, when they said a doctor wasn't on seat, I took it that I must do my best to save other peoples life's by the grace of Allah. " I was touched, so one of his sisters died.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. " I said with genuine concern lacing my tone. He just laughed.

"We believe it was her time to go, so we just have to keep on praying for her. " He concluded with a smile. He has such a brave heart.

Then the waiter brought our order, the aroma took away the tension in the air. I could see him smile, but I knew Tobi's smile would be better for me.

Wait a damn minute, where did that come from?

I shook my head a little and focused on my coffee. Extra goodness of milk.

Then we got to work, he gave me 250 questions which I had to answer under an hour. I looked at him with horror, which he just smiled and said your time starts now! I scrambled with my pen, did this man want to kill me ni?

ABIOLA Where stories live. Discover now