Chapter 25.

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It's so painful how Nigerian youths are being killed, blood everywhere. We came out in peace for justice and a better Nigeria, but they decided to kill us. May God judge all of them and forgive the sins of our dead heroes. Nigeria needs serious prayers from every angle all over the world, please let's pray for our country 🙏🙏😭

Abiola's POV

I rolled on my bed in boredom. Apparently, Konyii and Ayo had gone out, he wanted to make up for not picking up her calls. He had to operate on three different people in a row, so he didn't have time and when he was done, he was exhausted and kept his phone on silent to prevent any call and slept off. The funny part was, Konyii didn't wait for him to explain and just started vexing and telling him to fuck off, he had to 'Kidnap' her before he could explain and then she started feeling bad.

I picked my laptop and decided to watch Netflix, then my phone rang. I checked the caller id and it was Bola, I immediately felt bad that I hadn't called her in so long. I picked it up.

"You!" She said immediately.

"I'm sorry!" I said immediately too.

"Don't you're sorry me, I'm coming over now and you're taking me for shopping not just me but Sandra and my other friend. You will pay for every single item we buy!" She said and I quickly checked my account to make sure I hadn't bought meaningless things and spend all my money.

"Yes ma'am, I would pay." I said and saw I had only £500 left. I groaned and stood up.

"We would be there in less that an hour!" She said and hung up. I rolled my eyes and went to check my mom's room for her credit card. She would just be receiving the alerts. I saw her laying down on her bed, sleeping. I tip toed to her drawer and immediately I opened it she turned to me. She wasn't sleeping.

"What do you want to do there?" She asked looking at me suspiciously.

"I just need your credit card, I have £500 left and Bola is coming." I explained picking the card up.

"Drop it back, call your father to send you money. I have plans for the money in my bank." She hissed and turned around.


"Don't but anything there, call your dad. It's not as if he won't send it in less than five minutes." She said still not looking at me. I groaned and walked out of her room, calling my dad in the process.

"My princess, is everything alright? How are you?" He asked immediately he picked.

"I'm fine and everything is alright, just need some cash." I replied.

"OK, I'll tell Chris to send something to you now, don't worry." He said referring to his P.A.

"Alright, thanks dad." I said and he replied before I hung up.

I went back to my room and changed my clothes to something more comfortable. While doing my make up, my phone pinged and I checked it, he had sent the money. He sent £25,000 I smiled and continued my make up. Immediately I was done, I heard Bola's voice and I walked out of my room, bag and phone in hand.

"After months of not seeing me, you didn't call to say hi or come sister, I'm taking you shopping, or I'm taking you for lun-"

"That's enough, lets go." I cut her off and walked past her and her giggling friends. They ran up to me and we walked to the garage together. I looked at the cars and wondered which one I should take. I finally decided on my white BMW, but my dad's Rolls Royce was looking at me.

"Let's use the black Rolls Royce." Bola said as if reading my mind. I dropped my car keys and took the Rolls Royce keys and we drove off.

We got to the mall and Bola dragged me to the Gucci store and I knew I would eventually ask for more money. We walked around with her telling her friends to pick what they wanted and I could only just look at her.

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