Chapter 4. Tutor preparations

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Dedicated to OLUWA_SHIND
After I woke up I sat still on my bed crossed leg, looking at nowhere in particular. Flash backs of what happened started flashing across my eyes, making tears sting the back of my eyes but I looked up to prevent the tears from slipping out. Then there was a knock on my door, it was my mum.

"Oko mi, I'm not here to apologize because you know you're wrong. You need to stop being the daddy's girl everyone knows you are, you need to grow up. We have accepted the fact that your dad spoiled you to this extent, don't you think it's time you start acting your age. At 23 I had you, but here you are at 22 still acting 16. Which man do you think is willing to marry a daddy's baby like you?" she said looking at me in a motherly way, I just kept mute because I know she's right after all, but I won't admit it. I know I still act daddy's girl, but why is she bringing marriage now?

"I don't know why you're talking about me getting married, but I know I'm not getting married anytime soon. Besides you said it yourself, who will marry me?" I replied her carelessly.

"Children of nowadays, well, that's your business. If God decides to take my life or your father's now, I won't see my grandchildren. It's ok, just change your ways. " She stood up and left. What is it now?

I layed on my bed facing the ceiling, I'm not getting married now, God won't take them away from me. Then another knock,

"What?!" I shouted, and the person just entered. Of course it's Konyii.

"What, " She mimicked me " Abeg, Tobi said I should come and ask you, when do you want to start the tutor session with his friend?"

"I'm not doing any tutoring session with them. " I said firmly, but the stupid fellow beside me wasn't having it.

"I know you're smart, but his friend is a doctor already, he can help you, "

"Konyii it's non of your business, im-"

"Don't it's non of my business me, in not the rest!. And tell your dad you don't want a tutor. Keep your rudeness aside, "She snapped, did this girl just talk to me like that?

"Did you just raise your voice at me?" I asked her standing up from my bed.

"Yes I did, and I would do it again. What is your problem, your rudeness goes one sky above everyday. I wonder how we are still friends, " What with people making me cry today,

"Leave my room!" She walked out.

I layed on my bed looking at the ceiling again. I'm sick of all this, I rolled off the bed and picked up my car keys. Picked my wallet and left the house. My name was being called by my dad, but I didn't turn back talk more of answering him. I drove around with no destination just to clear my head, I met myself parking in the parking lot of the amusement park. I came down and went to the gate, paid for the unlimited bracelet and went inside.

I decided to go on the pirate boat first and the the rope climbing and then the teddy darts (A/N that's what I call the game you play to get free Teddy's) I couldn't win any so I just bought a very big blue human size teddy and carried it along like the big baby I am. I bought the blue cotton candy and was about taking a bite when my phone rang I decided to ignore it, but then it rang again just after when it cut. I checked the caller id and it was an unknown number, I looked around, a habit of mine as if I'll see the person calling. Then I picked it.

"Hello? "

" Where are you?" Straight forward much, It was Tobi.

"And how is that your business?" I asked raising a brow at if he could see me

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