Chapter 17. Confessed

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Abiola's POV

I looked back to see Ayo and Konyii looking at me, both with knowing looks. I rolled my eyes before I walked away.

"Abi! Wait, where are you going?" Konyii asked as she followed me out of the airport.

"Can I just be alone for sometime? You could go home with Ayo, I'm good on my own." I told her before walking away, this time she didn't follow me and I was grateful for that.

I called an Uber, while I waited it was still drizzling slightly, but I still waited under the rain. My Uber came and I told him go drive me to the beach. We got there and I paid and came down before raising my dress up a little bit. The strong salty wind hit my nostrils, making me take a deep breath in. I closed my eyes as I remembered the second kiss we shared. It felt like, it was just us in our own little world. I walked further into the sandy Beach and sat on the floor, the waves hitting my bare legs slightly.

Why had I let him leave? I know I love him, but....

The rain began heavily again just as my tears started falling once again, no doubt my make up would make me look like 'The Joker' I looked to the side and my eye caught the flag, there would be heavy waves. I still stayed, still looking into the water, little twinkles reflecting on the water. I thought about it again. Their flight wouldn't be able to leave tonight, I could still do something about it. I could go back to that airport and make him not leave, but what if he embarrasses me?

I stood up and brought out my phone, surprisingly I had spent an hour there. I had missed calls from my mom and dad and also text messages asking where I was. I called an uber without calling them or replying to the text. I got home a little past 10pm. The lights were on, so I knew I was in for some talks.

"Where have you been, I called you, your dad too, but you didn't pick up!" Her mom attacks immediately she stepped into the house.

"I told you I was going out." She looked tired and worn out, her make not doing justice to her face.

"Going to where?" This time my dad said in a calm tone, he figures my feelings faster than my mom ever does.

"I went to the beach, needed to clear my head." I saw the look my mom gave me, when I realised the couple had used their eyes to talk and let me be, I dragged my self to my bathroom without glancing at my bed it room in general.

I got into my bathroom and stripped. I turned on the tap and waited for the bathtub to fill up. While waiting, I looked at my self in the mirror and cringed. My make up looked like an ayamatanga I laughed before cleaning my face of every single makeup. My water was filled enough to cover my whole body including half of my face, I threw in a strawberry flavored bubble, then the my dirty clothes into the laundry basket and buried my self deep in the hot steaming water.

I came out after the water became cold and wrapped myself in my blue fluffy bathrobe and walked to my room, still not looking at my bed. I walked to my vanity table and did my night routine, as I would need it, so as to not wake up with big bumps on my face.

Finally done and ready to sleep, already in my silky cream bottoms and sleeveless top, I walked to my bed. I saw a box on my bed, it was almost the whole size of my bed. I looked at it and scrunch up my face, who had put this here?

I waked closer to it and sat carefully near it, since I don't know what's inside. I checked around it for a name tag of some sort and found a red card attached to the edge, with a name on it. It was Tobi. I traced my hand around the hand written note.

First was a silver bracelet with Princess carved on it with italics. I smiled and wore it, It was a little big since I have small wrist. I looked inside the box again and brought out the grey hoodie I had worn the day I spent the night and the shorts too. I smelled it and it smelled just like him. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" I shrieked, raising my hand to calm my frightened heart.

"Mom, when did you come in?" I asked my breath still uneven as my heart was still beating fast.

"Long enough to see you sniffing that shirt, or is it hoodie? Anyways who's is it?" My mom asked, I contemplated telling her, but she won't let me hear the end of it.

"It's......" I hesitated, it hurt won't telling her, as she has always made me feel better after telling her things, even though we fight a lot. "It's Tobi's." I looked down at the hoodie.

"Tobi, which one?" She asked raising her brows and coming to sit on my bed beside me.

"The same one, he left just some hours ago. But I think he's still in the airport though, as the rain is still falling." I stated looking out my window.

"You like him." Was all she said before taking my hand and looking at the bracelet. I didnt know what to say, because she was right. I did like him, maybe a little more than like. But still not going to admit that to anyone, the little secret of mine.

"No." I said calmly, still looking at the hoodie in my hands.

"I'm your mother, I gave birth to you. I said you like him, I'm not asking." She said matching my tone. I sighed.

"Fine I do, but dont tell anyone." I turned my face, to look at her. She held my chin.

"Why don't you just tell him? It won't hurt if he knows." I chuckled hard before I started laughing the it turned to tears falling down my face.

"I'm not telling him, not now, not ever." I smiled. My mom rubbed her thumb over my cheek to get rid of the tears.

"Did I and your dad ever told you how we eventually got married?" She asked.

"Yes. You went to ask him to marry you. Mom I can't do that, no. I've been rude to him, times without number." I stood up and walked to my closet.

"Fine, do what you want. He might not be the one for you." My mom stated then poked her head into my closet. "I'm going to bed. Make you sure you sleep, I don't want to see bags under your eyes tomorrow." And she walked out.

I sighed before putting the hoodie and short in my top drawer, then walked out and closed the door. I layer down on my bed, with the bracelet on my wrist. Before I knew it, I slept off.

Who ever guessed she'll tell her mom? I feel pity for her though.

Anddddddddddddd, drum rolls.

A pic of Wale

Like damn!!!! He's cute!!!!!!!!!!!

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Like damn!!!! He's cute!!!!!!!!!!!

I love him!!!!!

Please, please and please VOTE!!!

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