the one where they work on them

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They had gotten both of the twins to sleep in their beds and were laying there beside each other, neither of them speaking. Jongin was just staring at the ceiling, unsure of what he could even say.

"This is crazy, we used to talk nonstop at night because it was some of the only time we got to talk fully." Taemin said, sitting up and looking over at Jongin. "The only way I can see this working is if we just start acting like a couple again."

Jongin sat up as well, "I don't know what we can do or what we can't do right now."

Taemin leant over, connecting their lips in a slow kiss. "I'm tired of not really being with you." He said, pulling back slightly from the kiss. "I'm tired of having this awkward air between us."

"I am too."

"This is such bullshit that we're this way now. Especially cause shit we don't even know what caused this. Not really."

Jongin nodded in agreement, it was something that he was still wracking his brain on. Why had they ended up like this? He couldn't pinpoint one thing or another. It seemed to be a bunch of little things that all happened one after another.

There were the small little arguments over stupid little things turned into bigger arguments. It got to the point where it seemed like any little thing was enough to cause a huge argument.

Which is when they decided it might be for the best if they were away from each other for a while and Jongin went to staying at the EXO dorm.

"We didn't set time aside for us anymore."

Taemin nodded, "You're right. We didn't. It was all our careers and being parents, that's what we revolved around. Nothing else."

That had been Jongin's concern even all the way back to before they made the decision to have kids.

And while there was absolutely no way that Jongin would ever regret having the twins or their baby coming up, he hadn't realized how little focus they had put on their relationship after the twins had been born.

Jongin shook his head, sighing. "How do we even fix that though, Taem? Our careers take up a huge portion of our lives and the twins and baby number three are always going to be our number one focus - as they should be."

Taemin reached over, pulling Jongin to his side of the bed. "We'll find a way, even if it means staying up until the early hours of the mornings in order to fit time in for us. Just put in a little bit of effort with me and we will work this out. Please. Our careers can still be just as important and we can still focus just as much on the twins while somehow making time for ourselves and our relationship."

Jongin nodded, connecting their lips. "Okay. Obviously I want to fix this, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. And I'll do whatever it takes to fix this between us."

They were laying in their bed, wide awake despite how late it was. They had been talking about different things and eventually the conversation shifted to the new addition to their family.

"So baby number three..." Taemin said, fingers trailing against Jongin's jaw. "Are we going to talk about names beforehand or wait until they're born?"

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