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( pleaaaase comment ideas and suggestions cause i have so many different ideas of where to take this story but i don't want you guys to hate it lmao )

You just came out of the dressing room and slowly started  introducing yourself to all the cast, feeling more comfortable and not as scared of the adult cast now, cause you gotta admit some of them feel like they're still the character they play in the movie offscreen.

You caught yourself admiring Tom from a distance as hair and makeup faffed about with him making sure he was all good for filming. His hair was just perfect honestly. You looked away hoping he doesn't catch you staring, cause you know you'll never hear the end of it later on.

They were doing the classroom scene with Hagrid today, so you were all outside and told it'll be a long day of shooting just this scene as they need to get the perfect shots to edit in buckbeak ect

( idk if this effects filming etc but just go with it lmao )

You were standing talking to Emma and Matthew Lewis, who plays neville, as David the director finished speaking to Dan and shouted for everyone to get ready for the scene to begin.

"Hey Y/N, hows the puppy love?" Sam taunted you as he walked over.

"Shut up Sam." You laughed shaking your head.

You were both standing together in this scene, and as you're both slytherin you would be standing near Draco and his followers.

Sam was playing a character called Orion Sykes.

"Heard you walked to set together today, even got a little blush out of Felton when he said in the dressing room." He laughed.

You'd only known Sam a day but you could tell you were gonna be best friends already, you just bounced off of each other quite comfortably.

"Anyways," You tried changing the subject to save your cheeks overheating again, "You ready for this scene today, we finally get some lines in."

"Of course, born ready, show these amateurs what we can do." He smiled.

"Scene starting, quiet on set!" David shouted.

You and Sam fist-bumped each other and you swear you could feel eyes burning in the back of your head. You quickly turned to see Tom staring dead at you and Sam and he quickly turned away just as cameras were rolling.

( i'll write scene starts at the start of scenes being filmed and scene ends when they stop filming )


You all start walking down as you follow Hagrid, Harry Ron and Hermione leading the way.

"Right you lot, group up over there and open your books to page 49." Hagrid says.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco angrily questions.

"Well you stroke the spine first of course, goodness me." Hagrid says walking away to retrieve Buckbeak.

We all start to move to go into a group by the rocks and Draco pulls a face after stroking his book.

I admired the way his hands glided across and his ring gleaming in the light. Focus Y/N what's wrong with you.

You pass Neville who clearly forgets to stroke the spine of his book as it starts to attack him.

"Don't be such a wimp Longbottom." You shouted as you and Orion walked by him laughing.

"I'm okay, i'm okay." Neville sang still being attacked by his book.

You and Orion stood and leaned against a rock as Draco and his followers came and stood to the right of you and Orion.

"I think they're funny." Hermione stated to Ron and Harry.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny, really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears Dumbledore's got this oath teaching classes." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry spat at Draco.

"Ooooo" all of your slytherin group remarked.

Draco walks up to Harry looking him up and down ( DRARRY ) staring at him until he froze backing up.

"Dementor! Dementor!" He screamed.

Harry jumped looking behind him in fear quickly realising it's just one of Dracos mean pranks.

The slytherin boys all put their robe hoods up imitating dementors while the rest of us laughed at Dracos joke.

Hermione pulls Harry away pulling a face at us.


"Right guys! Cut there while we prepare for Buckbeak entering!" David shouted.

"Nice one." You and Sam said to each other giving a high five.

"The start of our first proper scene can't wait till i get to speak." Sam joked.

You laughed as Rupert came over and started speaking to you and Sam while you had a quick break.

You felt someone tap your arm to pull you around.

Tom stood infront you "Nice delivery on that first line of yours, Blackwood should i call you now." He smirked.

( your name in the movie is Rhea Blackwood )

"Means a lot coming from you Malfoy." You joked.

He leaned against the tree next to you.

"You and Sam seem pretty close." He said focusing more on his ring on his hand. He seems quite infatuated with this ring after you mentioning it you thought to yourself. You also thought he seems to be even more in his Draco character while on set, having that permanent angry dark look on his face and in his tone of voice. You weren't complaining, it was quite enticing.

"I sense a bit of jealousy Malfoy." You smirked at him, keeping a close eye at the way his hands fiddled with his ring.

"Jealous?" He said with a breathy laugh looking up from playing with his ring.

He moved from leaning against the tree looking around as if to check who was looking, then moving his mouth towards your ear.

"How could i be jealous when you're already mine." He breathed.

His hot breath sent a shiver go down your neck as you tried to keep your cool.

He eyed you up and down with a Malfoy hard stare as he walked away towards where Dan was standing.

You just knew he had that stupid smirk on his face. Normally this would have you swooning at his feet, but you felt a new sense of confidence and character in you. If he wanted to start the game you'd continue to play it you smirked to yourself. Let's see how good he is at his own game.

You walked over to Sam who was leaning on the rock. You leaned into him as he put his arm round your shoulder.

"Ready to film again? David says we're starting soon." Sam told you.

"Always ready!" You smiled.

You moved into position for filming looking over at Tom in the corner of your eye. His face was priceless and you couldn't tell whether he knew exactly what you were doing or he had other thoughts in his head.

You diverted your eyes as David shouted.


"𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘" tom felton / draco malfoy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now