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You ran all the way from set, to the current hotel you were all staying at, wiping your tears from your blurred vision eyes.

Your head was all over the place. Did Tom ever love you? Why would he do this? Was anything he ever said true?

You began to question the blonde boy that you were certain was your first proper love.

You choked back the tears on your way up to your hotel and as the elevator door opened on your floor you saw Emma and Sam standing at the bottom of the corridor.

You tried to avoid them but ended up not doing so well at that, and they both ran up to you engulfing you in a group hug, not even needing to ask what was wrong to comfort you.

"Don't talk, just let it out." Emma spoke softly.

"I'll open my room door, come on guys." Sam whispered.

You wouldn't expect Sam to be good with emotions, but when it came down to seeing someone he loved and cared about broken into pieces, he was a different person.

You went in sniffling your tears trying to calm down and just lay on the hotel floor staring at the ceiling.

The two didn't even ask or question you doing this weird action, they just did the same laying on either side of you.

It made it easier to talk like this, when you stared up at the ceiling. You could imagine no one else was there and you were just talking to yourself. It helped you open up more.

"Take your time Y/N, we've got all the time in the world for you." Sam said hearing you trying to control your panicked breathing.

Emma took your hand squeezing it to comfort you letting you know she was there and listening.

"Well, I- um. I was just going to my dressing room, and i heard the extras in their dressing room on the way, you know the new girls? And well, um i heard them gossiping about some boy that was flirting with one of them and trying to get them back to his room, so i felt intrigued and listened in. And it turns out that-" You stopped to swallow the lump in your throat, surprised how much you got out there, and felt the fear in your two best friends beside you.

"That, that some boy was Tom." You whispered feeling your entire world crumble, the reality of the situation hit you saying it all out loud.

"Oh Y/N." Emma choked tears seeing you so hurt hugging into you.

"He's a dick, i will actually fucking kill him." Sam stood up storming around the room.

"Sam, please." Emma whispered looking at him, she knew you didn't need this right now, as supportive as he was trying to be.

"Sorry, i'll kick his arse later." Sam said with a sympathetic smile sitting down next to where you were still lying.

"Cmon, get up let's order room service and just sit on the balcony. We can deal with what we're gonna do with this situation tomorrow." Emma smiled standing up and giving you her hand to pull you up.

You smiled taking her hand and stood up. Forgetting about Tom for a night seemed a lot easier said than done, but you were gonna give it a good go.

You were holding your stomach from laughing, almost feeling sick from how much you were laughing.

Sam was being even more Sam to cheer you up tonight, pranking people, doing any dare you gave him, cracking jokes, telling old embarrassing stories. Emma was even in fits of laughter at the boy the whole night.

You all ate your body weights in food, ordering pretty much the whole menu, and rented some movies to watch, but you never ended up watching them as you all started to begin to talk anyways.

Soon you all fell silent and you heard light snores from Sam and turned to see Emma fast asleep aswell. Sam was in the middle of the double bed and you and Emma were on either side of him. You couldn't turn your mind off and struggled to get yourself to fall doze off. You missed Tom. Spite of what he's done, whatever else he's done, you couldn't deny that you missed him.

You got yourself up quietly knowing the pair would kill you on the spot if they saw you leaving, but you just needed a walk to yourself. You hadn't had a moment alone to think properly.

You slowly and quietly opened the hotel room door and shut it behind you. Your eyes fell on a sight you dreaded to see. Tom was sitting on the floor leaning against your twos hotel room door, asleep. You had the only key. He must've refused to stay elsewhere and thought you were in the room on your own. You smiled lightly at this then remembered the reason why you were both in this situation.

You took it all in form a distance wondering whether to walk right past him, or go wake him up and let him go into the room, or talk to him...

"Tom?" You snapped out of your thoughts seeing one of the extra girls shaking Tom.

You felt your fists tighten and your body start to shake. You were about to witness what Tom had been doing behind your back this whole time.

"Huh?" He startled, groaning and rubbing his eyes.

"What'd you want?" He snapped.

This confused you even more.

"I was just wondering why you were out here silly! You can come back to my room, there's always space for you." She winked.

"Honestly leave me alone! How many times do i have to say. I bet it's you and the others that's ruined everything with me and Y/N, you all think i'm flirting with you when i'm just being nice! Get over yourselves please." He sighed pushing her away from in.

You widened you eyes in shock. What. Is. Even. Going. On. Anymore.

"Oh yeah, ahaha, she overheard Emily today speaking to us about your little shenanigans." She smiled slyly.

"What are you even on about?! Is this when she told me how she had been kicked out her hotel room and i said she could have mines because i share with Y/N now? You lot are unbelievably stupid, can a man not be a nice to someone without it being considered flirting?! Please, a message to you and the rest of them, fuck off." He said his face getting angrier and choking back the lump in his throat.

You knew how emotional and angry he got when he was in a confusing angry situation, it hurt your heart, especially knowing the truth now.

"Message received." The girl said rolling her eyes scoffing, going back to the stairwell she came from, to go back to her room you presumed.

What now do i do now?

"𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘" tom felton / draco malfoy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now