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(slight smut warning skip if you don't wanna read, sorry guys i didn't wanna go full smut yet cause i have some ideas for the story)

He was kissing you harder as he fiddled with the top you were wearing until he'd took it off of you. He started moving his lips down to your neck claiming you as his as you bit you lip holding yourself back.

"Don't hold yourself back for me darling." He whisper into your neck.

You held on to the hem of his t-shirt until he grabbed your hands helping to take it off and reconnected his lips to yours.

You were so deep into the kiss you hadn't realised he'd whipped off the bottoms you were wearing and his own. He trailed his way back down to your neck causing you to moan and he smirked at the control he had over you in that moment.

He had his hands placed on you inner thighs, beginning to massage that area more and more.

You flipped him over so you were on top and he grabbed hold of your waist pulling you towards him very slowly.

"Not tonight my love." He spoke looking into your eyes deeply, his face filled with lust that was starting to disappear from your reaction to his words.

You caught your breath letting yourself fall into disappointment. More of the fact why he didn't want to go any further. Were you not enough?

You rolled off of him and let yourself stare at the ceiling. This seemed to be a very common situation you'd find yourself in now because of Tom.

You had a blank expression on your face that was quite hard to read, as you sat up and picked up the hoodie Tom was once wearing and putting it on yourself.

"Hey Y/N, c'mere." He spoke as you turned round to see his soft eyes.

You stepped back over to the bed and sat yourself next to him only for him to pull you down to cuddle into him as you both faced each other.

"Don't think i don't want to or don't love you, i do. I just don't want us going so fast babe. Which seems dumb considering how long we've known each other and practically dated but, i hope you understand?" He said his blue eyes turning sad.

"Of course. It's as much about how ready you feel as it is about how ready i feel." You said trying to give a slight smile.

"I'm definitely ready." He smirked, "It's just not the right time i think."

"I understand, of course babe." You smiled.

"My girl." He whispered pulling you closer as you felt both of you start to drift of into sleep.

You woke up in a slight sweat, panting heavily, feeling yourself entangled with Toms body.


You had one of the worst dreams. One of those ones were when you woke up it took a while to convince your mind and body that it wasn't real and you were fine. You tried to escape from Toms grip, and as you did so you watched his face slightly screw up at you not being in his arms anymore, which brought a smile to your face as he still cared so much while asleep.

You opened the balcony door and sat out looking at the dark London night, calming yourself down.

"Y/N?" You heard a groggy cute voice call out to you and soon appeared a yawning Tom out on the balcony.

"What are you doing out here so late?" He said sitting down pulling you onto his lap rubbing his tired blue eyes.

"Just had a bad dream and wanted to calm myself down a bit, i didn't want to wake you so i tried to get out of the strong grip you had on me." You slightly chuckled.

"That's why i woke up i couldn't feel you in my arms anymore," He laughed taking your hand and stroking it with his thumb, "You know you can always wake me up, i don't mind if it's you my love." He spoke looking at you.

"Thank you babe, i just wanted some fresh air really as well i won't lie." You sighed.

You looked into his blue eyes before breaking the eye contact to scan your eyes out onto the amazing view you had.

"What was your dream about?"

You slightly flinched, "Em, i don't really remember much anymore, it just startled me a lot and woke me up." You lied.

He squinted his eyes at you, knowing something was up, but didn't want to throw questions at you so he let you off just this once.

"I know what you mean," He said, "cmon let's go back to sleep, im shattered." He yawned picking you up carrying you back to bed.

You got yourself back under the covers and he got under with you cuddling himself back into you.

"You won't get anymore nightmares, ive scared them off." He said his eyes starting to shut.

You laughed and rolled your eyes at the very tired Tom.

"Yeah, you're really quite threatening. I'm not surprised they've scared off." You poked his face.

"Oh shut up love." He whispered kissing your forehead and quickly drifting off into light snores.

You smiled at how peaceful he looked while sleeping and admired how lucky you were.

However, you still felt this constant worry in the back off your head but you couldn't quite pin point what it was about.

( sorry it's a short one i just wanted to post something to finish off the last chapter so i can work on my ideas for the next one and try make it a long one, feel free to comment any ideas/suggestions !
also vote, comment and share <3 )

&quot;𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘&quot; tom felton / draco malfoy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now