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Hagrid walks over with Buckbeak announcing that he will be the centre of today's lesson, and asks who's willing to come and see him up close.

Everybody but Harry takes a step back leaving him with no choice.

"Honestly, is there ever a moment where the world doesn't revolve around Potter?" Orion remarks to you earning some laughs from other slytherins and a dirty look from Hermione.


( i thought it would be too boring running through the whole scene just imagine Y/N had a few more lines, sorry to leave out the iconic "you and your bloody chicken" )

"That's a wrap for this scene guys! Great job, take your break and we'll call you back when we need you for the next scenes!" David shouted you everyone.

You picked up your tired feet from standing up for so long, walking towards the food table picking yourself up some bits to eat. Last time you ate was breakfast which seemed like years ago.

"I think we did pretty well Y/N, not think?" Sam spoke coming up beside you grabbing some chicken.

"I think we did better than pretty well actually." You laughed.

You both continued grabbing some food and walked over to where most of the cast from the scene that just happened where all sitting and joined their conversation.

"I'm just saying, i could easily play any character in this movie and be able to do it!" Rupert joked, although you could tell he slightly believed in himself.

"Oh yeah, i'd love to see you playing Hermione!" Emma laughed.

"No way you could do Dumbledore!"

"Don't be stupid Rupert!"

Everyone began laughing so hard, even though it was hardly funny Rupert just made everything seem hilarious, all of you shouting out proving Rupert wrong. You would've normally felt bad joining in but seen as Rupert himself found it amusing you found no harm doing so.

"Don't see why you're getting so confident Y/N, only been here a day even if that." You heard an all familiar voice say from behind you.

You turned to see the striking bright blonde boy who's face told he wasn't joking around like he normally is, and had a sense of anger around him. Everyone had went quiet and it caused a slight awkward silence until, as if on cue, Matthew Lewis walked over spilling his whole plate of food causing everyone's attention to divert to him and forget what just happened.

You couldn't find a part of you who wanted to join in laughing, feeling so overwhelmed and confused at Tom's sudden change of heart.

You stood up throwing your unfinished food in the bin near you, not having the stomach to eat anymore.

"Thanks for that." You murmured walking by Tom, not even looking at him.

"Hey, where are you going, what'd you mean?" He said walking after you.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, you're a completely different person from us walking to set this morning and the way you've been acting now. I know you weren't just joking around back there, do you know how embarrassing that felt?" You said trying not to cause a scene.

You knew he never meant what he said, but you couldn't understand why he would want to say something like that.

You felt like you were overreacting this whole situation, but you didn't want to look like an idiot on your first few days of the job.

"Alright, i'm sorry, i shouldn't of said that back there. I don't know what's gotten into me. Just seeing you and Sam really close, i just felt my whole mood change, it was weird." He said as you sensed his head all over the place.

"Me and Sam are just like best friends," You laughed, "I don't see why it would matter anyways if i did like him, i've known him just as long as you."

You began to regret saying that as you knew, even though you and Sam had never spoke about this, it was purely friends and never anything more.

Tom began to walk closer and closer towards you.

"Because he doesn't deserve you," He said through gritted teeth.

As much as you felt weird knowing you and Tom had known each other just over a day and were already in this situation, you had to admit you really fancied him when he was mad.

"Look, i've  got to go sort scripts out and then go shoot a scene, wait on me at the end of the day outside my dressing room and i'll walk you back to the hotel?" He asked innocence now filling his eyes.

"Of course, it'll be good to talk with no distractions, i'll wait on you." You smiled at him.

He let out a huge smile as he started walking away.

God Y/N you've been here just over one day and you're already in this situation.

( sorry this isn't as long i just want to see if you guys have any suggestions or ideas? please comment them, anyways vote and share ! )

"𝖇𝖊𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘" tom felton / draco malfoy X readerWhere stories live. Discover now