Chapter Nine

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The motorcycle blustered as we left the faculty's parking lot

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The motorcycle blustered as we left the faculty's parking lot. I waved at Mr. Carter as he was entering the car with a bag of cookies. His look of bewilderment was great. I laughed knowing that he was stunned to see me in a motorcycle with the new guy in school. The ride was scary and thrilling all at once. I felt a rush of excitement running through my veins as my hair ruffled freely in the furious wind. As we rode together on the streets of my hometown I felt free. Nothing could do that so intensely, as a bike could.

"I want to buy you something," he said suddenly.


"I want to buy you something," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just want to buy you something. Do you think you could let me buy you something?" He asked me under his dark helmet. I frowned wondering why he would want to do something like.

"What do you want to buy me?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise. Just say yes and I'll go buy it for you," he said.

"Don't spend your money, mom's going to buy me a basketball hoop already," I said. Brad laughed as he stopped on a red light.

"It's going to turn green soon Natalie."

"Oh, alright," I said. Instead of turning left, he turned right and took me to an antique shop. He got off the motorcycle and took off his helmet, then he helped me off the bike.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"See, I told you I'd go slow. Besides, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Never," he said and then he grabbed my hand. I didn't know what to do. Should I just allow him to grab my hand or should I drop it? Were we just friends or was this going somewhere further? I hardly knew him and I didn't know if it was right. I dropped his hand and he opened the door for me.

"After you," he said in a gentlemanly manner.

"Thank you," I replied. I had to reply with graciousness since he was after all treating me with grace. I entered the antique store and saw old, porcelain dolls, cabinets, bookshelves and antique telephones. For a second I felt that I was travelling through time, going into the past and seeing what used to be the extraordinary inventions of the begginings of the twentieth century.

"Wow, my mom said she used to use Cassettes," I said as I saw a bunch of them in a box.

"Few people still use them," Brad said.

"Who on Earth uses Cassettes?" I asked.

"Sorry, they didn't give me their names," he replied. I laughed. Brad showed his perfectly white teeth and smiled. I couldn't deny that he was so damn sexy. I wondered why would a guy like him be so interested in a girl like me. It was just mindboggling.

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