Chapter Thirty

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A werewolf

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A werewolf. Was that the creature I had seen attack Brad that magical night, our date night? A werewolf? It kind of made sense, but in a weird way. I mean... it was strange but logical. I didn't know what to think.

"So, werewolves exist?" I asked him. Maybe he'd tell me more.

"You saw him at the Halloween party, didn't you?" He said.

"Yeah, but... I didn't think it was a werewolf... I mean... I thought those things were..."

"Fictional? Yeah, that's what they want you to believe, unfortunately, the legends are true. Werewolves exist and whenever they show their ugly faces in town they start killing in big numbers and turning other people into werewolves. If this Patrick guy or whoever starts to bite people and leave them alive, then we'll have a nest full of them in no time," he said. A nest of werewolves?

"What do you mean a nest?"

"I'm talking about at least a dozen of them roaming around the streets on a full moon. Werewolves have super strength and if they join together, we're going to witness a massacre of unimaginable proportions. We must kill him before he starts turning people," he said. Before turning people? Was he saying that Brad was... no way. Impossible.

"But I don't understand, how can he turn someone?"

"A bite will do," he said. A bite? Just a bite? Oh my God. Brad!

"But it's better to be bitten than killed, right? I mean..." I said.

"Do you know someone who's been bitten?" He asked me. I shook my head quickly.

"No," I replied. I knew it was a lie, but there was no way in hell that Brad was a werewolf, was he? He had said something about smelling my sweat a mile away from me the last time we spoke and he hadn't been going to school for a while, but that didn't mean he was a werewolf, did it? The police officer took out a gun and showed it to me.

"You see this? I'm going to kill him with this," he said.

"Are you even a cop?" I asked him.

"Not really. I'm a werewolf hunter. You can call me Jake if you want, although I warn you, it's not my real name," he said.

"Does somebody pay you to kill werewolves, Jake?" I asked him. He laughed.

"No, why? You're looking for a part time job?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"I already told the cops everything I knew, so I don't know, why I'm here."

"Werewolves change their territory once they're discovered. He's probably already moved out of the house, but he could still be in the area. I've been looking for him for a while, but I haven't had much luck. You're my lucky charm," he said.

"I can't be here. I have school tomorrow, I have a life," I said.

"I won't keep you here long Natalie. All I need is an identification on the guy and that's it. It won't take long," he said and soon we were back in that terrible house, but his Buick was gone.

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