Chapter Thirty One

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It was quiet outside

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It was quiet outside. There was barely a sound except for a few grasshoppers in the night, but I practically didn't hear anything. A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves of the tree and part of my hair. I had just taken a quick shower with my coconut shower gel. I had bathed a few times trying to wash away everything I had seen. My heart pounded fast. I was trembling as I walked out into the backyard. I wanted to reach the creature that was hidden behind the oak tree. I knew it was him. I knew it was Brad.

I tried not to think about it, but there was a possibility that I'd die tonight. I figured, that if I did, I had enjoyed my life the best way I could. I was still young though and felt that I had a long way ahead of me. But if I died tonight, I'd die trying to live.

"Brad?" I asked. I heard a low growl. It was him. It was definitely him. He didn't say anything, but I could tell that it was him. I knew in my heart that he wouldn't hurt me, no matter what.

"Brad? I know it's you. I know what you are and I know it's not your fault," I said. I could see his tail popping out of the tree. He was hiding behind the log. He was huge, huger than what I thought. I could see part of his paws on the ground.

"I know what happened now and I know that you tried to protect me. That's why you ran away from me at the Halloween party," I said talking out loud. I knew that he could hear me. Then, I heard footsteps, but they weren't coming from his direction. I turned around and a dark figure ran towards me. It was a werewolf, but it wasn't Brad. I knew that it wasn't him. I could tell it by looking into it's werewolf eyes. He had a little red in them, just like Patrick's. He roared and then howled into the night. His appearance was frightful. He had a huge ridge on his forehead, a small black nose and muzzle. His head was fuzzy and furry, but he wasn't here to be my friend. He was here to kill me. I shouted and ran for my life. I was headed towards Brad. If someone could defend me, it was him. A, he was going to defend me or B he was going to eat me. Either way, I didn't have much of a choice. Patrick had blocked the entrance to my house and I felt that going to the neighbors was a mistake. Given the fact that he was larger, stronger and quicker than I was, I thought that I'd die anyway.

"Brad, help me. Brad, help me. He's going to kill me! Brad, Brad, Brad!" The white werewolf roared as he came out of its hiding place. He had white fur and was big, but not next to the furry brown wolf. I thought he was going to charge me and I covered my face, but he went straight for Patrick. They began to claw at each other and bite each other.

"Go!" I heard Brad say, but his voice was harsh and monsterlike. I ran into the house crying and locked my door. I opened my window and saw a police patrol coming our way, with it's sirens on, but it was silent.

"Oh no! Jake," I said. It was the werewolf hunter. I had to do something. He was coming at them with his gun. He was going to kill Brad.

"Brad, get out of there, quick," I yelled. Brad didn't listen to me. He continued to fight with Patrick. They were biting each other, hitting each other and clawing at each other where ever they could. Then Patrick jammed his razor like claws in Brad's arm. Jake aimed at the werewolves, but I didn't know who. I ran downstairs. Cameo was with me and he was nuts barking away. I opened the back door. Cameo ran to Patrick and bit him on the leg. Patrick roared annoyed and smacked my dog with his clawed hand. Cameo fell on the ground and moaned.


Jake took a shot. Patrick jerked and moaned it pain. The bullet hit his shoulder.

"Go, go," I yelled at Brad. Brad ran out of the scene and Patrick ran right after him. Trails of blood were on the grass and Jake was cursing.

"Damn it!" He said annoyed and then he looked at me.

"He turned someone. I have to kill him," he said.

"No. He didn't hurt anyone. He's just scared. It wasn't him. It was Patrick," I said. My mom came out into the backyard and so did some of the neighbors.

"What's going on?" My mom asked.

"Please get inside mam. The creature is nearby," Jake said.


"It's all under control. We're taking it out," Jake said.

"Bravo. Finally," my mom said.

"No! He didn't do it. It wasn't him," I yelled. My mom grabbed me and pulled me into the house.

"Cameo?" She asked noticing that he was whimpering on the ground.

"What happened to my dog? Did you do this to my dog?"

"No mam. It was the creature. I have to go," Jake said and left. I went into my bedroom and changed my clothes. I couldn't let him kill my boyfriend. I had to do something.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" My mom asked me.

"Mom, I have to go."

"Not with that thing out there," my mom said.

"He's already hunting it. Mom, I have to go."

"You better not, get in your room, now."

"But mom-"

"Now young lady," she said. I walked back into my room frustrated and annoyed. Then I heard the lock on my door. My mom had locked me in my room.

I couldn't wait long. If I did, Jake would end him and I couldn't let that happen. Brad was innocent. It was Patrick who had bitten my boyfriend and turned him into a werewolf, it was Patrick who had killed Barbara Sanders from Tynn Valley Boulevard and it was Patrick who had attacked two people on Halloween night including Mrs. Krasinski. I did what I had to do. I searched for my sheets and tied them the best I could on my window, then I opened it and escaped my house as carefully as I could.

Cameo wasn't in the backyard anymore. He was gone. I figured mom had put him inside. I didn't know if he too would have the werewolf decease or whatever it was. Hopefully it didn't transfer to dogs. The patrol car was also gone. It meant that Jake or whoever he was since he didn't tell me his real name was out there hunting my boyfriend.

I took my cellphone out and called the only person I knew could help me out. I called Tamara.

"Why are you calling me at this hour?" She asked complaining.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, but I need your help. They're going to kill Brad," I said.

"What? Who's going to kill Brad?"

"I need your help, please. It's the only way to save him," I said.

"Jesus Christ Natalie. I have to get the delivery of these turkeys tomorrow for the Thanksgiving feast," she mumbled.

"I'm going to help you out, I swear, but after we save Brad," I said.

"Well... okay."

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