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Luna's P.O.V

I look around the classroom to see if anyone was looking. In the corner of the room, there were the girls who were chatting and fixing their make-up, on the back were some of the boys strumming their guitars, some were in the canteen while the rest were just playing. The room was filled with music, laughter and chatter.

I smiled to myself before slipping the letter I wrote inside his notebook.

Suddenly, the bell rang. The students from the canteen came running inside, everyone rushed back to their seats. Then our teacher came in.

The class started. I looked at him, waiting for him to open his notebook. Then he finally did. I could see the confused look on his face, he started reading the letter then looked at me.

He's looking at me! I smiled at him. He holds the letter in a way that I can clearly see it, then, with a smile on his face, he slowly teared it apart. He rolled his eyes before looking away.

I pout, putting my head in between my arms.

"Get up" I heard someone whisper followed by them pinching my thighs causing me to look back up.

"You didn't have to do that" I whisper for the teacher not to hear, pouting at her.

"Why do you look so down" she asks, looking in front as she writes some notes.

I sighed. "Ni-ki teared my letter, I put so much effort in it"

She bit her lips, holding back her laugh.

"It's not funny, Soohee" I sigh again.

"It IS funny, you should be used to it by now"

I ignored her and looked in front to "listen". It's true, this shouldn't affect me anymore. I have confessed countless times and got rejected everytime.


The day ended and as usual, I didn't remember anything the teachers has taught us. If there will be a sudden test tomorrow then I'd basically fail it. I don't even remember if any of them gave us homework.

"You should come hang-out at my place for a while" Soohee says as we walked out the classroom.

"Sure" I smile at her.

I had nothing better to do at home. My parents are probably not home yet.

We were not that far from the gates of the school when I suddenly stopped, grabbing Soohee's arms causing her to stop as well.

"What?" she asks looking back at me.

My eyes focused on the boys standing near the gates. "Isn't that Ni-ki's friends?" I ask Soohee.

"Oh, it is, so?"

"Quick" I say putting both my hands on her face to look at me "Is there anything on my face?"

"Umm yeah" she says.

"Really? where? what is it?"

"Uhh ugliness" she laughs.

I dropped my hands and glared at her. "I'm serious"

"You're fine" she says "come on" she holds my hands as we start walking again.

They must be waiting for him. I thought.

I constantly looked behind me, looking for Ni-ki, who knows, since his friends are here he might be around. He might just pop out of nowhere when I least expect it.

We were getting near the exit and I could feel my heart beat getting faster. I examined his group of friends, hoping he might be there but he wasn't.

"Where is he?" I ask as we got out the school.

"He might be in the classroom still, who knows" Soohee shrugs.

"I guess"


"It's your fault why I keep on confessing to him anyway" I say, laying down on her bed.

"Hey don't put the blame on me" she laughs.

"You should confess to him before it's too late, someone might do it first and you'll lose your chance with him" I say mocking her.

"Okay okay maybe it's partially my fault" she says, laying down next to me "but I never told you to confess everyday"

I pout. "True"

She didn't reply causing the silence to slowly surround us. I continue to stare at the ceiling, thinking of what to say next.

"Don't you ever get tired?" she asks, breaking the silence.

"No, why would I?"

"I mean, you always get rejected every single time you confess"

I laugh, shaking my head. It's true though, I cannot deny it. She saw everything, she was there with me since the first time I confessed to him.

"When will you stop?" she asked, I could hear her worried tone.

I smile. "I don't know"

"You are SO STUPID for still chasing after him" she says.

"Hey" I laugh, playfully hitting her arm.

I didn't lie. I honestly don't know when I will stop or if I will ever stop. Eventually, I will get tired of him rejecting me. But for now, I'll keep doing this until I still can. At least in the end I could say that I tried.

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