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These past few days I have been losing focus. I have been spacing out a lot, one time the teacher asked me to answer a question and I wasn't able to answer, I didn't even hear what the question was, of course, I was embarrased. A few of my classmates even laughed at me, they eventually stopped when the teacher scolded them.

I wanted to skip school so bad but I didn't have an excuse, I wasn't sick or anything so my mom wouldn't allow me to. I couldn't tell her the reason I wanted to skip was because of a boy, she'd tell me all I did was flirt at school and not actually study.

I tap the pen lightly on the table, I didn't know why I was tapping it, but I was still doing it anyway. I watched as the pen hit the table over and over. Somehow, I found it quite entertaining.

"Luna" Soohee says as she puts her hand on my shoulder, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I hummed in response.

"I called you a couple of times already" she says. By the tone of her voice, I could tell she's worried. "are you okay?"

"yeah I'm just..." I stop for a bit, thinking of the right word to say. "I'm just no myself right now" I sigh.

"Is it because of the dating thing?"

I look at her and nod lightly.

"Luna we can't really do anything about it, wether they're dating or not, all we could do is watch them"

I didn't like what Soohee said but that was true. It was Ni-ki's decision, I guess.

"You want to, uhmm, get out?" She asks. I could notice her glancing behind me.

"No" I say burrying my face in my arms. "I want to sleep" I mumble.

Rest. That's all I want. I never knew I would be troubled because of some boy.

"Ni-ki" I heard someone say.

I kept my eyes open, listening. I know that voice.

"Ni-ki, have you eaten yet? I bought you bread"

I clench my fist as I lean back on the chair. I kept my eyes in front but at the corner of my eyes I could see Yena sitting in front of Ni-ki, batting her eyelashes.

"Luna, let's go to the cafeteria" Soohee whispers.

I shake my head 'no'. I wanted to stay but then leave at the same time. I wanted to stay just to know if they really were dating but then again I didn't want to.

"Ni-ki, you got something" Yena says.

Ni-ki stares at her as he eats.

She smiles, wiping something off of Ni-ki's lips. "Got it"

I suddenly stood up, slamming my hands on the table. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, even Ni-ki's.

"Luna" Soohee holds my hand to calm me down.

I shake her hand off and walk out of the room. I ran to the bathroom.

I faced myself in front of the mirror. I didn't what just hapened or why I did that. I didn't have any control of myself.

I heard the door close again, it was Soohee. She followed me.

"What happened?" she asks.

"I..I don't know, I just..."

Without saying anything else, she hugs me tightly. I shut my eyes trying to hold back the tears but I could no longer stop it.

So there we were inside the bathroom. Soohee hugging me as I cry into her shoulders.


Ni-ki's P.O.V

"Ni-ki, have you eaten yet? I bought you bread" she says placing the food in front of me.

I wasn't hungry at all. I was about to deny when I felt Jay kick my feet.

I sighed and took the bread and ate it. I had to force myself.

"Ni-ki, you got something" she says as she looks at me.

I stare at her, waiting for her to tell me what was on my face so that I could get it.

She smiles, wiping my lips. "got it"

Before I could even react to what Yena did, I jumped when I heard a loud noise. Luna just slammed her hands on the table, the room was silent. Everyone's attention was on her. It was odd, Luna wouldn't do such a thing like that.

"Luna" I saw Soohee holding her hand but Luna shook it off and just walks out, her friend follows, of course.

I watched as they walk out of the room.

"Why did she react like that" Yena snickered.

I place the bread on the table. "I'm full"

"Already? You didn't even eat half of it" she says.

I decided to ignore her. What's the point in talking with her.

"Thanks for the free food" Jay says grabbing the bread immidiately biting into it.

"Hey!" Yena shouts. Then they started arguing, well, only Yena was talking. Jay was busy eating.

I was swallowed with my thoughts. I didn't know why but something didn't feel right. I want to run after Luna and ask her if she's okay, if something was wrong.

Shouldn't I be happy that she's finally starting to leave me alone? But why does it feel so wrong. Maybe I got used to her being clingy. Maybe I got used to her bothering me.

What has this girl done to me?

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