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Luna's P.O.V

The class is really loud. I'm pretty sure that you would hear us from the halls. Students have gathered up with their own friend groups. The chairs are piled up into a circle. Most were in the corners talking.

"I badly wanna join"

"We should be in a group together"

"Icy? Maybe?"

"I think I'll pass"

"Should I sing? or dance? I can't choose"

I could hear everyone talking about the talent show, it's only 2 weeks away. Notices about the said show are plastered everywhere, it was also announced by our homeroom teacher earlier.

"Will you join?" Soohee asks me.

I wave both my hands. "Nope, what talent is there to show?"

I am born without any talent. There are many categories to join from: Singing, Dancing, Rapping, Painting and many more. Yet I can't join any.

"I don't know, your undying love for Ni-ki maybe" she says putting both her hands on her chest, fluttering her eyelashes.

I giggle. "Stop it's not funny"

I look at Jay and Ni-ki behind me. Just like everyone else, they were also talking about the upcoming talent show.

"They would definitely join" Soohee says, causing me to look at her. "I mean there is no way they won't" she added.

Jay and Ni-ki always joined the events that the school held, they absolutely loved performing.

I smile at the thought of seeing Ni-ki dancing again. To be honest, I myself want to join to, but as I said earlier, I literally don't have any talent.

"Maybe you should join, I mean, it's not a competition or anything" she says.

It's true. It's just an event to showcase the talents that the students has. There will be no prize nor a winner.

"I am not embarassing myself, not in front of the whole school" I say.

"I mean you could sing" she shrugs.

"I never knew the sound of a cat being dragged down the stairs is considered as "singing"" I say air quoting.

"You are far from that" she shakes her head.

"Still, I'm not joining"


Laying down on my bed, I scroll through my phone. Everyone is talking about joining the school show. If I was talented, I would have joined as well. Oh how great it would be to be talented. My body is too stiff for dancing. I can't sing cause' I'm tone deaf. I cannot rap, my tongue would basically get tied together.

I decided to message Ni-ki, asking if he would join the talent show. Although I already know his answer. I just needed a reason to message him.

'Ni-ki!! Are you joining the talent show with Jay?' I sent.

I waited for a couple of minutes. No reply. Maybe he's talking with Jay still.

A few more minutes passed and still no reply. I restarted my phone because maybe it was just lagging that was why I was not receiving any replies from him. But of course, when I checked again, there was none. What did I even expect? I messaged him before as well, but he ignored me.

I read the old messages I sent.


'I'm Luna! we're in the same class'

'I really like the way you dance by the way'

Those were some of what I sent a year ago. I can't believe I've been doing this for a year already.

'Why weren't you in school today? Are you sick?'

'Rest well and I hope you get better soon'

I used to message him everyday. I didn't let a day pass by without sending him a message. I often told him how my day went, if only he had read my messages, he would've known a lot of my secrets. He would've known about all the things I have been through.

I laugh at myself. I look pathetic chasing over a guy who doesn't give a shit about me.

Sometimes it does hurt. But then again, it's me who's hurting myself because of so much expectations.

Maybe if I do this he'll notice me. If I do that, he'd also like me back.

Those thoughts were stuck on my head, causing me to do these stupid things. I know that there was no way that he would ACTUALLY like me, but then again, I had all these maybe's.

I sigh. One day, I'll stop. One day, I'll finally get tired.

I'll just wait for that day to come, I guess.


Niki's P.O.V

Earlier, it was announced that a talent show is going to be held in the next two weeks. It was all I could think about.

"We're definetly joining" Jay says. Putting the paper he took ripped off the wall on my desk.

"Looks like a lot are joining" I shrug.

There was a limit on how many students could join. A lot looks like they were interested in joining, I'm afraid we won't have a slot.

"So? Let's go tell Ms. Lee before they do" he says.

Jay is close to our homeroom teacher, Ms. Lee. Actually, he's close with everyone. I don't know how he does it.

"Everyone is expecting us to join" he says, causing me to laugh.

He looks behind me. "Do you think your little girlfriend over there will join?"

I didn't bother to look behind since I already knew who he meant.

I shake my head. "she is not my girlfriend, she will never be" I say "also, I don't know and I don't care"

"I'm curious as to what that girl could do besides following you around the whole day and telling you she likes you"

I put my things back into my bag. "Let's not talk about her"

I'm joining the talent show even if someone tells me not to.

This is also a great opportunity. If I join, that means I need to practice, I won't get to attend class that much and that would mean I won't see her.

At least even if it's just for a short time, I won't get bothered by the same girl.

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