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Luna's P.O.V

I groan as I realize what our next class is, Math class. I absolutely despise this subject and the teacher as well. He talks way too fast then asks us if there's something we don't understand. If someone says there's something they don't understand, he's go about how we weren't listening instead of teaching us.

"Should we just skip Math?" I ask Soohee as we wait for our teacher.

"Aren't we all thinking about that?" Soohee laughs, taking out her notebook.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who hates Math Class.

I didn't find Math hard when it just consisted of numbers, but then they decided to mix it up with letters. Like who thought of that?

Our teacher came in and we greeted him. The class started eventually. As expected, none of which we said stayed inside my mind. It went inside my ear then got out the other.

He's someone sent from above, actually maybe not sent, he was actually dropped to rule whatever kingdom it is below.

I try to listen and maybe get something out of this class, but no matter how hard I try, I really don't understand anything.

"Yeah no I'm giving up" I say to myself.

I took out a pen and started to write some stuff on my notebook. No, I'm not writing yet another love letter if that's what you were thinking. I wrote my thoughts at the moment, so basically, how I hate our math teacher. I constantly look up to check if he was looking, he was focused on "teaching".

I almost filled out the whole page, I smiled to myself in satisfaction, closing my notebook. I feel at least a little better now.

I look at my side and see Ni-ki, this boy is sleeping. I wonder how the teacher doesn't notice him when he sleeps in class, or maybe they just ignore him.

He looks so peaceful. This might be the only time when he's not rolling his eyes or glaring at me.

Maybe all I did the whole class was stare at Ni-ki the whole class. Wait no not maybe, that's exactly what I did. If I listened, I wouldn't understand a thing anyways.


Everyone is at the canteen. The room is silent and empty, except for Soohee and me.

"Come on Luna" she says looking outside the door, guarding just in case someone comes in.

I opened Ni-ki's bag, putting in the chocolates I bought a few days ago. I dropped tiny rolls of paper inside as well, 'I like you' were written in some of them but most were compliments.

I closed the bag immidiately and walked behind Soohee. I tap her shoulder "Done"

"Now let's go, I'm starving" She says, grabbing my arms as we walk towards the canteen.

"I can't believe I helped you again" she shakes her head.

I laugh. "Maybe it's because you love me too much"

"Ew" she says, putting a finger in her mouth as if she's gagging.

After buying some snacks. We went back to our classroom. Whenever someone comes in, my eyes follow them, hoping it might be Ni-ki.

"I am not helping you again on your next stupid plan" Soohee chuckles.

"You always say that" I smirk at her.

"Well" she starts snapping her fingers "This is the last time I'll help you"

I shake my head, laughing. How many times has she said those exact words? I can't even keep count of it.

"Oh look he's here" Soohee says, lookig at the door.

I followed her eyes and saw Ni-ki came in, Jay follows behind him. He sat down on his chair, talking with Jay.

Come on open your bag. I thought.

Jay suddenly looks at me, I looked away. I hear Ni-ki opening his bag. I purse my lips, looking at him at the corner of my eyes.

For sure, he looked shocked.

"What is it?" Jay asks, looking in to Ni-ki's bag "That is A LOT"

"I know" Ni-ki sighs. He took out all the chocolates and placed them on his desk.

"What are these?" Jay asks, picking up a paper inside Ni-ki's bag. "You look handsome today" he reads, before laughing.

Ni-ki grabs the small paper from his hands, throwing it back inside this bag. "I'll throw these away later"

I pout. He should at least read all of them before throwing it away.

"What are you gonna do with these then?" Jay asks, pointing at the chocolates scattered on Ni-ki's desk.

"I don't like sweets" he says, pushing them beside Jay who's leaning against his desk "you can have them"

"Thanks man!" Jay says, high fiving with Ni-ki before picking them up one by one.

I gathered some of my hair in my hands before tugging on them.

Calm down. Calm down. I thought to myself.

Jay sits beside Ni-ki. He opens the chocolate, he looked at me and raised his eyebrow before eating one. "Thank you" he mouths.

I glare at him. That's not yours! I thought. He laughs at me before talking with Ni-ki again.

"What a waste of ink, paper and money" Soohee shakes her head, tapping her finger on the desk.

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