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"She has a photo with them? How? That's crazy!!" Soohee exclaimed, waving her hands around.

"I know" I groaned, burrying my face into the pillow.

I wanted to tell her what I saw, not just through a phone call or a text message but tell her face to face. So I went to her house, it's weekend anyway, it's not that big of a deal.

"How did she get so close with Ni-ki and Jay in such a short time?" she asks, sitting next to me "Ya, do you think they're dating?"

"HELL NO" I shout, removing the pillow from my face, hitting her in the process.

"That hurts" she pouts, rubbing her cheek.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" I shrug.

She sighs, laying down next to me. So there we were, just staring at the ceiling.

"I mean there's no answer as to how they became so close" she says.

"Maybe she did some black magic or some shit"

"She's not a witch"

"Well she looks like one"

She laughs, then silence. I didn't want to say anything at all even though I had so much in my mind.

She turns her head to face me. "Should I set you up on a date with Jay?"

"What are you talking about?" I glare at her "you're going crazy and I would NOT go out with Jay, as if he would go out with me"

I sat down, leaning on the wall as I hug the pillow. Soohee spreads her arms on the bed. "I am running out of ideas" she says, looking at the ceiling.

I look at her, then into the wall in front of me. "or maybe I should just give up?" I mumble into the pillow.

"Could you repeat that? I can't understand you" she says stretching her arms out.

"I should just give up" I mumble again.

"I still can't understand you" she says, looking up at me.

"I said maybe I should give up" I say, this time louder and clearer.

Her eyes widened. In a split second she's already in front of me. She puts both her hands on my face, lifting it from side to side and looking as if she was checking me for some bruises or scratches . "Something must be wrong with you"

She puts her palm on my forehead. "You're not sick, ya!" she says, squishing my cheeks, looking at my eyes intensely "what have you done to my Luna? bring her back!"

I shake my head then literally kicked her off of me. "Stop doing that Soohee" I whine.

She sat next to me like nothing happened. She didn't even seem hurt when I kicked her. Funny how a pillow can hurt her but a kick can't.

"If it will make you happy, then do it, I'll always be here for you" she smiles at me.

"I don't know if I can do it, I got used to liking him" I pout.

"Of course you can! I'll help you!" she hugs me, tightly "I'm happy if you are"

I smile.

I'm gonna try my best.


"Bye!" I wave at Soohee as she I start to walk away from her house.

Just like last time, I wanted to have some time to think alone.

I felt the cold air blew at my face which brought shivers down my spine. I should have borrowed a jacket from Soohee but I'm not really in the mood to go back.

I continue walking, eyeing the houses I pass by. They're similar but pretty different, if that makes some sense. I remember her saying Jay moved, I'm not sure which one is their house though. Is it this way or the other way?

I turned, trying to spot Jay's supposedly house. I shrug, then continued to walk home.

"Luna!" I heard someone call my name.

I looked at the house beside me, no one was there.

"Luna" someone called again.

I looked at the house before that one, there I saw Jay. He was waving at me, I guess it was me, no one else was there. I waved back awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" he asks approaching me.

'Excuse me sir, since when were we close?' I thought.

"I went to Soohee's" I replied, no expression on my face whatsoever.

"Oh" he nods.

"I should go now" I say turning my back on him.

"Seo Yena" he says.

I immidiately stopped. That name, why did he have to say that name?

"She's friends with Ni-ki and I" he says.

"So?" I ask, my back still facing him.

"She's close with Ni-ki, don't you like him?"

"What if I do?"

"Aren't you gonna do anything about it? You're just gonna watch Yena steal Ni-ki from you?"

Why does everyone asks that question? I'm slowly getting tired of being asked the same thing over and over again.

"Wether I do something or not about it, it's none of your business"

He scoffs. "Whatever, Ni-ki was never yours in the first place, what's there for her to steal?"

Then I heard him walk away. I don't kmoe why I didn't just walk away, but I didn't I just stood there like an idiot. I couldn't process things fast enough.

I heard a car honk, scaring me. I held a hand unto my chest and I could feel my heart beating really fast. I walked on the side of the road, my heart still pounding out of my chest.

He didn't have to say that, he could have just stayed silent and walked away. But he was right, Ni-ki isn't mine, he never was and probably never will be, everything was just in my head.

I looked down all the way home, good thing I never bumped into anything or anyone. I skipped dinner, I wasn't in the mood to eat, in fact I wasn't in the mood to do anything at all.

All those letters I wrote, the chocolates I gave, my time, everything I did for him might go to waste. But it isn't too late to stop now.

If I just put in more effort, if I do my best, I might actually forget about him.

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