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Luna's P.O.V

"No Dalgona wait!" I hear someone shout. From a distance, I saw a girl chasing her dog around.

"bye bye doggy" Soohee says.

Today is weekend, we had no homework or any projects so we decided to hang-out at a park near her house.

I hated staying at home at weekends, I had no siblings so I had no one to talk to. Luckily I have Soohee, she has an older brother but be's at the U.S so we meet up every weekend.

"Hey" I face Soohee "A crazy thought just entered my head"

"You always have crazy thoughts" she laughs.

"Yeah yeah but listen, what if, I get someone to pretend to be my boyfriend" I say.

"And try to get Ni-ki jealous?" She asks, I could tell that she was doubting me, 100%.

"Yeah! It will work! If he sees me with someone else, he will definitely get jealous!!"

"And why would he be jealous?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Ummm" I purse my lips. Thinking of a reason.

I couldn't think of anything. There's nothing at all.

"He doesn't even like you!" she says.

I gasped, putting a hand on my chest as if it hurts "You monster"

"Okay, you ARE crazy" she says, slapping me playfully.

I laugh. "Should I give up? Nah" I say before she could even answer.

If I didn't answer right away, she would surely say that I should give up. I know that Soohee cares for me, a lot. I myself too try to give up, I try to not think about Ni-ki but I couldn't help, I just like him too much.

"You should just, I don't know, court him" she joked.

"Should I?" I asked enthusiastically.

"What? No! DO NOT DO THAT, I FORBID YOU!" she says, with wide eyes while pointing at me with her finger.

"I'm just kidding" I say, pushing her finger away from my face "I wouldn't go that far"

"I'm hoping you don't" she chuckles.

I smiled. I looked around the park, it looks empty. Except for the kids playing at the slide with their parents and of course, us sitting at the bench under the tree.

I looked at the streets. I could see two boys walking. One was wearing a yellow shirt while the other was wearing a black hoodie. My eyes widened, I got up and hid behind the tree.

"What is wrong with you?" Soohee asks.

"There" I say, pointing to the two boys that were walking.

Soohee squints her eyes to see them better since they were quite far away. "Okay, what do they have to do about you being weird?"

"What? you don't recognize them? It's Jay and Ni-ki! Why is Jay here?"

"It's them? I can't even see their face!"

"It's them! I know Ni-ki when I see him"

I waited for them to pass by, I kept hiding behind the tree until I could no longer see them. Usually, I would run up to Ni-ki and tell him that I liked him, but not now, I don't look that good.

"And they're gone" I sigh.

"You are unbelievable" Soohee chuckles, corssing her arms as she leans her back on the bench.


"They are so far away! I could barely recognize their faces and I have a clear eyesight, you on the other hand with a not so good eyesight immidiately sees them!" she exclaims, waving her hand in the air as she talks.

I laugh. My eyes aren't the best I could say, but when it's Ni-ki, I would spot him right away even if there were about a hundred people surrounding him.

"Do you think he saw me" I ask her.

"If they did I bet Ni-ki would've run away"

"Wait!" I say, looking at Soohee "Why is Ni-ki here? He lives far from you"

"Umm" she scratches her neck "I forgot to tell you Jay moved around here, about 4 houses away from us"

"What? Since when? and why?"

"Recently, about a week ago, I don't know the reason tho" she shrugs.

"It's Jay so it's not that bad, but then again he's friends with Ni-ki"

If Jay really lives near Soohee, then that means I might see Ni-ki more often since they're really good friends. I should be more careful, be ready whenever I come to her house.


"Could you leave the window now" I hear Soohee say behind me.

"No, what if they pass by and I miss them?" I say, going on my tippy toes as I put my head out.

"Okay Luna, you're being too creepy now"

I heard her shuffling, the next thing I know was I was being pulled away from the window. She locked it, before leaning on it and crossing her arms.

"What?" I asked her.

She was staring at me weirdly and somehow I got uncomfortable. I felt so little under her stares.

"Okay fine" I say, sitting down.

She laughs. "Good Luna, that's a good Luna' she pats my head.

"I am not a dog, you know" I slap her hand away.

She sits right in front of me. "I know because dogs are cute"

I roll my eyes playfully. "Yes because I am absolutely cuter than them, and that is a fact"

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