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"Good morning" I smile, leaning at the locker next to his.

"Go away" he says, opening his locker, covering my face.

I stood next to him. He took out some of his textbooks then put it inside his bag. He closed his locker, then looked at me again.

"You're still here?" he groans.

He rolled his eyes before turning his back on me. He started walking so I followed right behind him.

"Don't you think class is boring?" I asked, trying to start a conversation between us.

He ignores me, like he always does. "I feel like I learn nothing in class, I don't know, there's nothing interesting at all, well, except for you"

I wasn't shy to tell him anything. In fact I didn't care at all.

"If you were a subject I would definitely ace it" I giggle.

He stops. I stood there, shocked. Without facing me he asks "what do you need?"

I smile before walking in front of him, "I like you"

He rolls his eyes at me. "I hate you"

"Still, I like you"

Without saying a word he walks past me. I just shrugged it off and started walking to our room as well.


I sat down beside Soohee who is reading a book about planets. I sat there akwardly as I stare at her. I hate the library, it's so quiet around here.

"Don't you think the world is amazing?" Soohee whispers.

"Ni-ki's my world, so it IS amazing" I smile at her proudly.

"There you go with your fantasies"

"Let me be"

"Not like I could do anything about it"

I stood up. "I'll go find something to read"

Soohee just nods as she continues to read her book which she is so immersed at. I run my fingers through the book as I walk around.

There's nothing interesting enough that caught my attention but I guess it's better to look around than just sitting there. Are there no books here that teaches you how to make your crush fall in love with you or something?

I continue to look around. There not that much students in the library which I guess is nice. Some were studying, some were just reading books like Soohee.

And speaking of Soohee, she's everything I'm not. She studies hard, she's pretty, friendly, really kind and is also a great friend. I study as well but not as hard as her, I guess.

Soohee has never been rejected before, I mean, who would try to reject her? She constantly receives gifts and letters. I remember one time when someone approached me, he gave me chocolates, well, they weren't exactly for me, they just wanted me to hand it to Soohee.

Sometimes I wish I was her. Imagine being loved by everyone if it's just for a day?

After looking around for a few more minutes and still not being able to find a book to read, I went back to Soohee. She had just finished reading and was waiting for me to comeback.


"Oh look, isn't that Jay?" Soohee asks on our way back to our classroom.

Jay was leaning on the door, talking to someone. The other guys was facing his back towards us.

Ni-ki? I thought.

The guy Jay was talking to looks so similar to Ni-ki.

We were almost at the room when Jay looked our way. He smirked before saying something, causing the guy to turn around. And as I expected, it was Ni-ki.

I raised my hands to wave at him but before I did, he went back inside with Jay.

"Try again later, maybe?" Soohee laughs, tapping my back.

We sat down, waiting for our teacher to come. The bell rang just a few minutes ago, I guess he was still on his way here.

I started to take out my pen and paper, writing something down.

"Oh look, you're studying" Soohee says as soon as she notices. She leans forward to see what I was writing "or maybe not, why are you writing ANOTHER love letter?"

I laugh. "I just want to"

"You really don't know when to give up" she shakes her head "let's see if this time, he doesn't tear it"

"he won't" I say.

"Yeah cause' he'll either burn it or just throw it straight to the trash can" she laughs.

I ignore her and continue to write. I'll still give this to him. Maybe on our way out, I would slip the letter inside his locker rather than leaving it under his desk or inside his notebook.


Niki's P.O.V

"That girl what's her name? Luna was it?" Jay says.

I rolled my eyes as soon as he mentioned her. "What about her?"

"I think she likes you"

"What do you mean THINK? Everyone KNOWS she likes me"

It sounds like I'm full of myself but trust me I'm not. She just makes it too obvious, she literally confesses to me everyday. She doesn't let a day pass by without confessing.

"What do you think about her?" Jay asks.

"Annoying" I answer.

"Besides that, do you think she's cute or something?" she scoffs.

"What's cute about her or about what she does? No matter how many times I reject her, she just won't leave me alone"

"That's cause she likes you man"

"Wow you don't say?" I say, as if it isn't obvious enough "How do I get her to stop?"

"I don't know, tell her you don't like her or maybe tell her you like someone else"

"Do you think I didn't try that yet?" I groan.

He looks behind me and smirks. "And look who's here"

I turned around and saw her. The person I see everyday. She starts to raise her hands "Let's go" I say to Jay, going back inside.

I didn't want to say any more of her. She wasn't getting tired but I was. Is there any possible way for her to leave me alone?

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