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Luna's P.O.V

Classes became much more boring than usual. I kept on looking out the window, watching whatever I could watch. There's nothing much out there, just trees and some birds.

I tried to focus and listen to our teacher but all I hear is 'blah blah blah'.

Ni-ki, Jay, and all the other students that were joining the talent show was excused for their practice. I had no inspiration.

I sighed. Tapping the ballpen lightly on my notebook, trying not to make a sound that would put the teacher's attention me. I was bored out of my mind. I'm basically just waiting for the bell to ring.

"Soohee" I whisper, my eyes on the teacher "Soohee ya"

She ignored me, continuing to write down notes. She has a really pretty hand writing, while mine looks worse than a 1st grader.

Seeing that Soohee wasn't interested in talking to me, I leaned back on the chair.

I looked on the desk beside me where Ni-ki sits. It looks so empty. I pout, I miss him already.

I have gotten use to seeing him all the time that it feels so weird, I feel like something is missing.

I took a pen and paper and starting doodling, I had nothing better to do.


"So, what did you learn today?" Soohee asks smiling at me as soon as the class ends "I didn't talk to you hoping you would listen, so, what did you learn?"

I tap a finger on my head as if I was thinking. Then pointing it upwards like I just got an idea. "I learned that without Ni-ki, class is really boring!"

She looks at me like 'are you serious?'

"You should put your brain to a better use" she says, face palming.

"I can't focus without him" I groan.

"There's no difference" she shrugs "with or without him, you still don't focus"

"True but..."

"But what?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Okay I don't have any excuses"

"1 point for Soohee! 0 for Luna" she says, sticking up a finger.


"We're lucky aren't we" she stretches her arms up, bringing them down with a smile on her face.

We didn't have p.e class which was supposed to be our last class for today. The gym was being used by the students that would be joining the talent show. We couldn't use the field either since it was too hot outside.

I took a look at the bottle of water in my hands, I bought it earlier. "Let's go to the gymnasium"

"What? didn't you just hear what our teacher just told us? There is no p.e class!"

"I did but" I raised the bottle "I'm gonna bring this to Ni-ki"

She rolls her eyes. "Fine"

There were some students peeking through the small window the door has at the gym.

"What's going on?" Soohee asks a student.

"No one is allowed to go inside, it's locked" he answered.

I could hear different kinds of music coming from inside. I went on my tip toes, trying to look inside. There's quite a lot of students. Usually I would spot Ni-ki in just a few seconds, but I could barely see what was going on because the other students' heads are covering the way.

Soohee grabs my arm. "Come on, let's just go"

She tried pulling me but I stood still. She looked at me weirdly. I showed her the water bottle once more, indicating that I should give it to Ni-ki.

She sighs, shaking her head. "Luna, we can't even enter, there is no way you can give it to him"

Why is she always right?

I tried looking inside once more, but it was hard. I gave up and decided to come with Soohee.


short chapt. next chapter would be longer.

Also, if you find any grammatical errors, feel free to tell me.

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