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I was shocked when I arrived at school. My desk was filled with curse words, the notebooks I kept underneath were filled with scribbles and some pages were torn off.

I forgot to lock my locker yesterday, when I opened it it was filled with trash, most of my notebooks were found at the trash can.

It wasn't that hard to clean and pick up since Soohee helped me. What I'm worried about are the words written on my desk, if our teacher sees this, what am I supposed to tell her?

"Who could have done this?" Soohee asks, trying to remove the stains on the desk.

I sigh, leaning back on my chair. "I don't know"

I really had no idea who would do this.

Actually, I did have a person in mind but I wasn't sure if she's really the one who did it. I can't just accuse her without any proof, for now she's one of the suspects.

The class soon started, the whole lesson I couldn't focus. I was trying my best to hind the profanity that was on my desk, they were lots of them written, the desk was almost covered with them.

I couldn't take it anymore, after first period I went to our teacher and told her about it.

"It wasn't me who did it, when I arrived it was already there" I tell her as I fiddled with my hands.

I'm lucky since Ms. Lee is a nice teacher. She's not one of those who would get angry at you for mo reason at all.

She understood me and knew I wasn't lying, Soohee was also there to back me up just incase.

"I see" she says, fixing her glasses "for now just don't worry too much about it, we'll get your desk cleaned, we'll figure out who could've done it and get them the punishment they deserved"

It felt like a huge weight was removed from my chest when I heard what she just said. "Thank you" I smile at her.

I couldn't really focus the whole day after that. I had no one in mind except Yena, she hates my guts. She's the only person that could've done this.

And speaking of her, I haven't seen her the whole day.

"Something must be going on, todag seems weirdly calm" Soohee says once we passed the gates of our school.

I nodded, agreeing with her. Except for what happened in the morning, the whole day was calm. No Yena in sight. She didn't visit Ni-ki nor followed him around like she usually did.

I wasn't worried about her or anything, she could get hit by a bus and I wouldn't even care. But it didn't feel right somehow. I had a feeling that something bad is gonna happen sooner or later.


Maybe my feelings were right. When I arrived home I checked my phone, my notifications were blowing up.

I received tons of message from a person I didn't know, their profile was created just a few hours ago. It didn't have any pictures so I couldn't figure out who they were.

Despite the account being new, it had tons of posts. All were for me.

They weren't good as well. They made up accusations about me and said some rude things. The messages I received weren't any better.

'you are useless'

'watch your back at all times'

'kill yourself'

I was receiving death threats. I ran up to my window and checked if there were any person outside, there was no one. I was getting paranoid, I locked my window and closed the curtains, I could never be sure.

I didn't read all the messages and posts, I decided to block them, whoever they were. Although I bocked them, my notifications were still blowing up.

Whoever they were seemed to be obsessed with me since more accounts emerged, just recently created ones. They also started to make pages. They started to post badly edited pictures of me.

I was getting scared and turned off my phone and hid underneath my blankets.

I feel unsafe.


I went to Soohee's the next day. I needed to clear my mind but I still felt scared. It wasn't easy to forget.

"Don't you think we should report this to the police?" Soohee asks.

"I don't think it's that serious" I say as I closed the curtains. I sat down across her after I finished checking outside.

"For christ's sake your receiving death threats Luna!" She exclaims. "Does your mom know about this?"

I shake my head 'no'. "I don't want her to get mad at me"

"That's the least of your problems! we're talking about your safety here!!"

I stare at my phone that was placed next to me. I muted it but the vibrations were still on. It was vibrating non-stop.

"They're still going" I say.

"Have you tried blocking them?"

I nodded at her. "But they keep on making new accounts, it was hard to keep up, not to mention pages"

"A single person couldn't do this, maybe there are a lot of them"

I shrug. "I don't even make friends, why would I have enemies?"

"Well...could it be Yena?"

"She's also who I have in my mind" I sigh "but I can't just accuse her"

"Well, she does hate you"

"That's not enough proof"

I put my head in my hands. This situation is stressing me out. Is it really Yena? I know she hates me but does she hate me to the point that she wants to do harm to me?

I don't know what's happening.

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