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So who else is here because you got invested in #dracotok?

Well, I am guilty for that.

I'm not good with videos so I decided to write fanfictions about Dracotok. I noticed there's not a lot of Draco x Reader hence I decided to make one.

I started this story on 23rd September 2020 and just finished it today, 29th September 2020. Sorry for the long wait...

YN stands for your name, LN is last name and ec is eye colour.

Don't worry, no need to be shy.

We're all thirsty for Dracotok, 😂😂😂

But please if you make a tiktok based on my ideas give me credit by tagging my tiktok which is @sanadalina. Thank you so much.

Nevertheless, enjoy the stories!

Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now