Chapter 10- Approval

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The party went on for hours, and Sabrina felt on edge the whole time.
She stuck to Regulus's side like glue, and didn't let him leave her, even for a minute.
The pair spent the evening dancing, eating, and socialising. And slowly, Sabrina was introduced to the entire Slytherin pure-blood family.
Sabrina knew that there were other pure-blood families out there, but since they didn't share the same views as the Blacks, they had not been invited.

The adults at the party would talk in quiet voices and stop whenever the children got too near. But this didn't stop Sabrina from hearing some of their conversations.
The topic on most of the adults minds, was the rise of a dark wizard named Lord Voldemort, but most people were too afraid to speak his actual name, referring to him as You Know Who instead.
Sabrina had heard whispers of this man at school, as he often came up in conversation between Slytherins the common room.
He had a group of loyal followers known as Death Eaters, and he was beginning to cause up quite a stir in the wizarding community.

While her brother Severus seemed to agree with Voldemort and what he stood for, Sabrina was unsure that she wanted to get behind a man like him.
Despite being around pure-bloods all the time at school, she hadn't picked up their prejudice against Muggles.
Sabrina was still friendly with Lily, and she didn't think it mattered whether you had magic parents or not.
She also felt like her hatred of Muggles stemmed from her hatred of her father. And since not all Muggles were like him, she didn't feel like they deserved to be treated as second class citizens.
But the pure-bloods at that party definitely believed that Muggles were vermin, compared to those with magic.

Since the party finished late that night, Sabrina had been allowed to stay in one of the many bedrooms in 12 Grimmauld Place, so that she wouldn't have to travel alone at night.
Most 13 year olds would have been scared at the prospect of walking the streets alone, and getting in a taxi at night, but Sabrina had been looking after herself all her life. And she was much more scared about spending more time in the pure-blood household. But the Blacks had insisted that she stayed the night, so she had no choice but to accept their offer.

"Well, I think that was another successful party" announced Walburga, once all the guests had gone.
"You do throw the best parties, my love" replied Orion.
Walburga waved her hand in the air, as if it was nothing, "You flatter me".
The door creaked open and in walked an ugly house-elf wearing a dirty dish cloth.
"Ah Kreacher, there you are. Clear away all this mess" ordered Orion.
"Yes master" replied Kreacher as he bowed his head, and set to work tidying up the room.

Sabrina stared at the strange creature, for she had never seen a house-elf look like that before, as the ones at Hogwarts were well looked after.
"Why don't you show Sabrina to her room?" Suggested Walburga.
Regulus nodded his head and made his way out of the room, with Sabrina at his heels.
"At last, we're free" sighed Sabrina.
"I wouldn't say that, since the walls have ears" replied Regulus, reminding Sabrina that the walls were covered in portraits.
Sabrina nodded her head and stayed silent until they reached her bedroom.

"This is mine?" Gasped Sabrina as she stepped inside the magnificent room.
"Yep. My room is on the floor above if you need anything, and the bathroom is just along the hall" replied Regulus.
"Thank you. And thank you for inviting me to the party. It was certainly an interesting evening" admitted Sabrina.
"You're welcome. I thought it was best if you met my parents while they were busy with their party, that way they wouldn't be able to focus solely on you"
"Well, it was a good idea. And no one guessed that I was anything less than a pure-blood. Which means my secret is safe for now".

"Yes, it is... Out of curiosity, what did you think of my family?" Asked Regulus.
"Well, they're very different to mine. I liked your cousin Andromeda" answered Sabrina.
"She is my favourite cousin"
"I wasn't sure about her older sister Bellatrix"
"No, she is a hard person to like"
"But Narcissa seemed O.K"
"Yeah, she's alright. What did you think of the rest of the pure-bloods?"
"They seem very devoted to the pure-blood cause, especially the Malfoy's"
"Oh yes, the Malfoy's are nearly as devoted as we are".

"Do you think they liked me?" Questioned Sabrina.
"Who? My parents or the other pure-bloods?" Asked Regulus.
"Both" replied Sabrina.
"It's hard to say. I think they did like you, but they're still a little mistrustful of you, because they don't know you. Pure-bloods all know each other, so they don't like that you've come out of nowhere"
"So we're not out of the woods yet. I still have to earn their trust"
"Yes. I think it's going to be a while until they fully accept you"
"I guess I'll have to be on my best behaviour until then".

"Yes, we both will... Well, goodnight Rina. Your clothes that you gave me are on the bed for you to get changed into" pointed out Regulus.
Sabrina glanced over at the pyjamas she had given him before leaving Hogwarts.
"Thanks. It saved me having to travel here with a suitcase" admitted Sabrina.
"Yes, it was much easier for me just to bring the stuff you needed home with me" agreed Regulus.
"Yes. Well, goodnight Reg"
"Goodnight. Sleep well".
Regulus kissed Sabrina softly on the cheek, before leaving her alone in the room, so that she could get ready for bed.

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