Chapter 20- New Family

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Sabrina was glad that Regulus had given her some wizarding world money, to be used in emergencies, since she didn't really have any of her own.
After paying the Knight Bus conductor for her journey, she spent the rest of the trip, nervously holding onto her belongings.
She didn't particularly enjoy the experience, as it was not comfy or particularly safe. But she knew it was the only way to get to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Sabrina was pleased when they finally reached her destination, as it meant she could get off the bus.
It was tricky for her to pull all of her luggage along, singlehandedly, and she was glad that she didn't have far to go very far.
Once she had knocked on the door, Sabrina had to wait a few moments, until it was opened by the house-elf.
"Hello Kreacher" smiled Sabrina, as she stepped inside the house.
Kreacher bowed his head, "Hello Miss".
After spending a lot of time with the house-elf, Sabrina had come to realise that he wasn't quite as unpleasant as she had first thought.
Regulus treated Kreacher well, so the house-elf treated him kindly in return. And luckily for Sabrina, this kindness extended to her as well.

"I will let Master Regulus know that you are here" announced Kreacher, before disapparating to go and find Regulus.
It wasn't long before Regulus came running down the corridor.
"I didn't think we were meeting until later" admitted Regulus, when he reached her.
"There's been a change of plan" revealed Sabrina, as she looked down at all of her luggage.
"What's happened?"
"I had an argument with my father. It ended with me placing the full body binding curse on him, and walking out. I'm not going back. Not now. Not ever".

"Did he hit you?" Asked Regulus.
Sabrina frowned, as she had never told Regulus about the physical abuse she received from her father.
"Why do you ask?" Questioned Sabrina.
"You've got a bruise forming under your eye and a split lip, as if someone has hit you" explained Regulus.
Sabrina sighed, realising that it was time to come clean, "Yes, he hit me, twice".
"You don't sound surprised by his actions. Is this not the first time he has hurt you?" Quizzed Regulus.
"No, it's not".

Regulus placed his arms around Sabrina, holding her in a hug.
"Why did you never tell me? I never would have let you go back there, if I knew how bad things really were" admitted Regulus.
"Me and Severus decided at a young age, that it was best if no one ever found out what he was really like" replied Sabrina, as the pair drew apart.
"But the Ministry could have intervened"
"That is exactly what we didn't want happening"
"Why? They could've helped you"
"I doubt it. Besides, it was our business, and no one elses. If everyone knew the truth, they would treat us differently. Me and you certainly never would have got together, because your parents never would have allowed it".

"Speaking of my parents, we had better tell them that you're here, and ask them if you can move in, permanently" sighed Regulus, as he ran his fingers nervously through his hair.
"Don't worry, I came up with a convincing lie on the bus" admitted Sabrina.
"The bus?" Questioned Regulus.
"Yeah, I took the Knight Bus here"
"That was risky, they might expel you for using magic to summon it"
"I doubt it. Besides, I didn't have time to call a Muggle taxi, and since I couldn't exactly walk here, I had to come up with another idea"
"Let's just hope the Ministry don't decide to punish you for it".

"Kreacher" Regulus called out.
A few seconds later the house-elf appeared at his side.
"Please can you take Sabrina's things upstairs to her bedroom" continued Regulus.
Kreacher nodded and made his way over to Sabrina's luggage, as her and Regulus headed to the drawing room.
"Mother, father, Sabrina has something she needs to ask you" announced Regulus.
Sabrina gulped as she felt Walburga's eyes peering into her soul.
"Well?" Questioned Orion.

Sabrina took a deep breath and launched into the story she had rehearsed on the bus.
"And then I said that I didn't want a filthy Muggle inside my house, even if he was my mother's best friend. Then she shouted at me, and the Muggle hit me. I knew I couldn't attack him back, without being expelled for attacking a stupid Muggle. So I had to leave.
Mother has been becoming very sympathetic to Muggles recently, and I don't want to be a part of that any more. Which is why I was wondering if I could stay here during the school holidays, without anyone knowing. So that I don't have to associate with Muggles" finished Sabrina.

"Of course you are welcome to stay here. You've practically moved in already, so I don't think you being her permanently will change our lives that much" admitted Walburga.
"So, you're alright with me moving into the spare room, officially?" Asked Sabrina.
"Yes. The room is yours" replied Walburga.
"Thank you" mumbled Sabrina, before turning to Orion to get his approval.
"It's fine with me. Your mother has made a grave mistake, associating herself with a Muggle. I think it is wise of you to distance yourself from her" said Orion.
"Don't worry, I don't plan on seeing her ever again" replied Sabrina.
"Good. Now, why don't you two run off and compare OWL results" suggested Walburga.

Sabrina didn't need to be told twice, she headed out of the room quickly, with Regulus by her side.
"You played them like a fiddle" whispered Regulus.
"I was good, wasn't I" grinned Sabrina.
"Scarily good"
"What can I say, I'm a good liar"
"You're also very good at Occlumency"
"True. But that's another thing Severus is better than me at"
"Speaking of Severus, what will he do when he finds out you've run away from home"
"I haven't exactly run away... To be honest, I don't think he will be all that suprised by what happened, since he's basically done the same thing. But let's not talk about him, or the past. My new life has just begun, and I don't want to look back ever again".

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