Chapter 17- Disowned

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Sabrina was right about Lily not forgiving Severus, and without her in his life, Severus became a much darker person, since there was no one to keep him good.
Although Sabrina tried to still spend time with Lily, there was an awkwardness between them, because of Severus.
The more time Severus spent with his friends, the more Sabrina worried that the Black's would find out her secret.
While neither of the siblings ever mentioned each other, Sabrina was scared that someone outside of school would realise they were related.

She couldn't hide her surname at school, so everyone knew she was a Snape. But in her other life outside of school she was a Prince.
Creating a different persona had seemed like a good idea at first, but as time went on, Sabrina began to realise just how hard it was going to be to keep her secret.
She was terrified that her roommates were going to turn up unexpectedly at one of the Black family gatherings, since they were also pure-bloods. And if they did, the game would be up, because they knew her surname was Snape.
However, so far Sabrina had been lucky that no one from school had attended these parties, except for Regulus and sometimes Sirius.

When Sabrina returned home for the summer, she spent almost all of her time at Grimmauld Place.
She was worried about becoming a burden to Walburga and Orion, but when the alternative was staying at home with her abusive father, she knew that she really had no choice.
As the summer went on, Sabrina noticed more and more arguments between Sirius and his parents, and she felt that it was only a matter of time before a huge fight broke out.
Because she was spending so much time with them, when she was made at Prefect, it was Regulus's parents she told, and not her own.

"I am so proud of you both for becoming the Slytherin Prefects. You really are the perfect pair" praised Walburga, after Sabrina arrived with her Hogwarts letter and Prefect pin.
"Thank you" blushed Sabrina.
"This is a momentous moment" announced Orion, as he raised his glass in the air.
"Your parents must be so proud" added Walburga.
"Oh, they are" lied Sabrina.
Sabrina saw Sirius roll his eyes in the corner of the room.
"I'm going to my room" mumbled Sirius.
"You should be proud of your brother. He has achieved something that you never managed to" snapped Walburga.

"I don't care, because being a Prefect was never something that I wanted" admitted Sirius.
"It a school award, and a step in the right direction. Your brother has reminded everyone that the Black family is still superior" replied Orion angrily.
"I don't see how a Prefect badge makes you better than everyone. Besides, the Gryffindor Prefects in my year are not from old pure-blood families. Lily Evans is Muggle-born, and she's the cleverest witch in our year, and a Prefect" revealed Sirius.
"How dare you talk about filthy Mudbloods in the this house!" Shouted Walburga.

Sabrina was worried that in his angry state, Sirius would reveal that she was only a half-blood, to prove to his parents that being a pure-blood wasn't that important. And she knew that if he did, it would all be over.
"There is nothing wrong with being Muggle-born, and Andy clearly feels the same way" announced Sirius.
"If you're not careful you will get yourself removed from this family, just like your cousin Andromeda, who had the nerve to marry that Mudblood" warned Walburga.
"Go on then, disinherit me like Andy, see if I care. I don't want to be a part of this family any longer"
"You are a Black whether you like it or not, and it's time you started acting like one"
"I don't want to be a Black, and I can't stand to be in this house a moment longer".

Sirius removed his wand from his pocket and summoned his school trunk, despite not being allowed to use magic outside ot Hogwarts.
"I'm going!" Announced Sirius.
"If you walk out that door, you can never come back" threatened Walburga.
"Good, because I don't want to come back" replied Sirius.
"You will never be welcome in this family again. You will be an outcast forever"
"You've treated me like an outcast ever since I got sorted into Gryffindor"
"If you leave, we never want to see you again"
"That's fine with me".

Before Sirius could leave the room, Regulus stopped him.
"Please don't do this" begged Regulus.
Sirius's anger faded as he looked at his brother.
"I'm sorry, but I can no longer stay here any more" admitted Sirius.
"But you can't just leave" replied Regulus.
"I have to, if I want to be free. And I hope that one day you will have the courage to break free as well".
Sirius then grabbed hold of his trunk and pulled it out of the house behind him, leaving Grimmauld Place for what he hoped would be the last time.

"Go to the tapestry, now!" Ordered Walburga.
Regulus nodded his head and began pulling Sabrina through the house to the room upstairs where the family tree was.
Sabrina knew what was about to happen, for she had been in the house when Andromeda had married a Muggle-born named Ted Tonks, and had been removed from the family tree.
Walburga liked to remove people from the tree, in front of the family, so that everyone knew what was at stake, should they misbehave.
Once they were all in the room, Walburga took out her wand and pointed it at the tapestry where Sirius's name was.
Then, with a wave of her wand she blasted away the small portrait with Sirius's face on, leaving a black mark behind.

There were several black marks on the wall, as Walburga and Orion had removed a lot of family members who they believed no longer held the family values.
Once the job was done, Walburga and Orion left the room, leaving Regulus and Sabrina alone.
"Reg, are you O.K?" Whispered Sabrina.
Regulus walked forward and placed his hand on the black mark where Sirius had once been.
"I can't believe that he is really gone" mumbled Regulus.

Sabrina approached him and placed her hand onto his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.
"Try and think about this positively. Sirius will be happy, now that he no longer has to live in this house" she said softly.
"But I will never be able to see him again, my own brother" replied Regulus.
"Well, for the next 2 years you will still be able to see him at Hogwarts. And I'm sure once you've moved out of this house, you will be able to see him behind your parents backs"
"I don't think it will be that easy".

"Well then, you will have to make a choice, Reg. Either you leave this life, like your brother. Or you stick to your parents way of living, and cut your brother out of your life forever. The choice is yours, and I will support you either way" reassured Sabrina.
Regulus stood up straight and turned his back on the tapestry.
"I chose my path a long time ago, and it's too late for me to change it now" announced Regulus.
"Then we had best go downstairs and rejoin your parents" sighed Sabrina.

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