Chapter 51- Harry Potter

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To Sabrina's delight, she only had to use a back up wand for a few weeks, before all her possessions were handed to Severus and then given back to her.
But her joy at having her wand back, didn't take away the grief she felt because of the loss of her son.
Since she didn't want him to be buried with the blood purist Blacks, or her abusive parents, Regulus ended up being buried in the town where Sabrina and him had lived.
Severus had taken Sabrina to visit his grave one night, but he had forbidden her to do it again without his permission.
But what Severus didn't know, was that Sabrina was still having one secret visitor; Kreacher.
And when Walburga died not long after Orion, Sabrina began spending a lot more time with Kreacher, and even visited Grimmauld Place on occasion.

Severus visited Sabrina every weekend, but during the week she was all alone, except for her visits from Kreacher.
But as the years went on, she began to get used to her new lonely life.
However, just when she thought her life would never change, she felt her dark mark burn for the first time in 13 years, meaning that Voldemort had returned.
His resurrection sent Sabrina into a full on panic, and it took Severus ages to calm her down.
And with Severus pretending to be Voldemort's loyal henchman again, Sabrina began seeing even less of him.

It wasn't long before Dumbledore reformed the Order of the Phoenix.
But since their new headquarters was 12 Grimmauld Place, Sabrina could no longer go there, or see Kreacher. Because she didn't want anyone to learn that she was still alive.
She knew that Sirius Black was living there, because Severus was now also a member of the Order, so he could tell her what they were up to.
Sabrina just prayed that Sirius didn't destroy his family home too much, because it was the one place that still reminded her of Regulus.

Unfortunately it wasn't long before the Order and the Death Eaters came head to head, which lead to the death of Sirius.
Although Sabrina had never really liked Sirius, he was Regulus's brother, so she felt sad by his passing.
But a year later another death occurred, that shocked Sabrina to the core.
Albus Dumbledore was dead, and he had been killed by her brother Severus.
Sabrina couldn't understand why Severus had killed his mentor, and since he refused to explain his actions, the two fell out.

Sabrina had just finishing putting away her breakfast things one morning, when a group of people suddenly apparated into her house.
She quickly whipped out her wand and pointed it at the invaders.
It took her a second to realise who stood in front of her. But once she recognised them, she lowered her wand.
"Hello Mistress" bowed Kreacher, as he made his way over to her side.
"Hello Kreacher" mumbled Sabrina, who hadn't taken her eyes off the 3 other people in the room.
"Kreacher has brought guests. This is-"
"Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley" interrupted Sabrina.

"You know who we are?" Questioned Harry.
Sabrina couldn't take her eyes off the man in front of her.
She hadn't seen him since he was one year old, and he had changed an awful lot since then.
He looked exactly like his father, except for his green eyes that reminded Sabrina of Lily.
"Of course I know who you are. You're Lily's son" answered Sabrina.
"You knew my mother?" Asked Harry.
"Yes. You might find it hard to believe, but me and your mother were good friends. And although I never got on with your father, he did save my life more than once, so I grew to appreciate him" revealed Sabrina.

"Who are you?" Quizzed Harry.
"My name is Sabrina" replied Sabrina, not wanting to reveal her last name, as she knew how much Harry hated Severus.
"Yeah, Kreacher said. But I mean, who exactly are you? And how do you fit in with the Black family?" Questioned Harry.
Sabrina sighed and looked down at her engagement ring, "I was engaged to Regulus Black before he died".
"You were going to marry Regulus?" Gasped Hermione.
"Yes. The two of us had been best friends ever since we were sorted into Slytherin together. And as we got older, that friendship turned into something more" admitted Sabrina.

"If you were that close to him, then you must've known that he was a death eater" Harry said coldly.
"Of course I did. We both were" revealed Sabrina, as she pulled up her sleeve, exposing her dark mark.
Harry pulled out his wand and pointed it at her.
"I don't mean you any harm. I haven't been a death eater for a very long time, but unfortunately the mark will be on my skin forever. You have to believe me when I say that I don't support the dark lord anymore" insisted Sabrina.
"How long ago did you stop following him?" Demanded Harry.
"I began hiding from the dark lord when Regulus died. But I had never agreed with his ideas. Me and Regulus never wanted to join him, but we didn't have a choice".

"I find that hard to believe. We've seen his bedroom. We know that he was a massive you-know-who fanboy" admitted Harry.
"On the outside we both were. But deep down we didn't want to follow the dark lord. We didn't want to be evil. And we certainly didn't want to kill all the Muggle-borns. Your mother was my best friend afterall, so I certainly never wanted any harm to come to her. But Regulus was the son of two very proud blood purists, so certain things were expected of him, of us. We never had a choice" explained Sabrina.

"Look, it doesn't matter to me what you did in the past. We asked Kreacher to bring us here today, because we are looking for something very important, and he said that you have it" announced Harry, as he placed his wand back into his pocket.
"I don't have many belongings, especially from that time in my life" admitted Sabrina.
"Well, this item we are looking for isn't actually yours. It used to belong to Regulus. It's a locket based on Salazar Slytherin's famous locket".
Sabrina gasped, "You're after the dark lord's Horcrux".

Harry frowned, "You know about Horcrux's?".
"Yes. Who told you?" Questioned Sabrina.
"That doesn't matter. All you need to know is that we mean to destroy it and stop you-know-who. So if you could hand it over, that would be great" replied Harry.
Sabrina's hand drifted to the empty pouch on her belt, and she felt an lump in her throat.
"I don't have it anymore" she revealed.
"What! Why not?" Demanded Harry.
Sabrina sighed, "Sit down, and I'll tell you the whole story".

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