Chapter 27- Lovers

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A few days later, Sabrina woke up back in Regulus's arms, in 12 Grimmauld Place.
She hadn't spent much time in her own room since her return, and she enjoyed waking up with someone beside her.
Regulus helped fight away Sabrina's fears, as she had been terrified that Voldemort would summon them both very soon. So she struggled to get to sleep at night.

"Good morning" whispered Sabrina, as she rolled over to face Regulus, who was already awake and smiling back at her.
"Morning" replied Regulus.
"Happy Birthday"
"Thanks... You should get back to your room, in case mother and father decide to show up"
"Eugh. I wish we didn't have to sneak around"
"I told you, they're old fashioned, and I'd rather that they didn't find out about what we got up to"
"I know. But we've lived together for ages now"
"Still, I'd rather not get caught and face their wrath"

Sabrina slid out of the bed and picked her dressing gown up off the bedknob on the large king sized bed.
"Are you looking forward to being able to use magic at home now?" Asked Sabrina as she tied up her dressing gown.
Regulus grabbed hold of his wand from the bedside table, and waved it, summoning his clothes out of the closet.
"Show off" mumbled Sabrina, as the clothes landed on the bed.
Regulus grinned and climbed out of his side of the bed, "It won't be long before you can do the same".
"I've still got all of summer to go before then" groaned Sabrina.
"I guess you'll have to watch me jealously, until then" teased Regulus, as he began getting dressed.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and headed towards the door, but Regulus stopped her.
"Sabrina" he called out.
Sabrina spun back around, "What's wrong?".
"Are you happy here, with me?" Asked Regulus.
"Of course I am. Where's this come from?" Questioned Sabrina.
"I just worry that you're only with me for convenience"
"Did I not make my feelings clear enough last night, when I told you that I loved you?"
"Yes. But I can't help but think that you are only staying with me, because you don't have anywhere else to go. I don't want you to think that you are stuck with me, just because you are essentially homeless".

Sabrina made her way around the bed and placed her arms around Regulus.
"I love you with all my heart. You are the only person in this world, besides my brother, who I know loves me. I have loved you ever since you first defended me in front of your own brother. I can't imagine being with anyone else" admitted Sabrina.
"Me neither. But I can't help feeling that I've dragged you into a world that you don't want to be a part of" replied Regulus.

Sabrina dropped her arms and looked down at the dark mark on her left arm.
She pulled her sleeve down in an attempt to cover it, but Regulus stopped her.
"You don't have to cover it here" he whispered.
"I do. Anyone could walk in" reminded Sabrina.
"My parents don't have many visitors, and even if they did, they probably have one of these too"
"I wish I didn't have it".
Regulus took hold of Sabrina's hand, "We're fighting for a better world, just focus on that".
"Yeah, I guess we are" mumbled Sabrina unconvincingly.

"I wish that you didn't have to be a part of it" admitted Regulus.
"Me too... We should have stayed out of all this. But it's too late to turn back now. If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing though, because I wouldn't want to risk losing you. You matter more to me, than life itself" revealed Sabrina.
"I would do anything for you" Regulus said quietly.
"And I you" replied Sabrina, before kissing Regulus softly on the lips.

"I can't wait for you birthday" muttered Regulus.
Sabrina raised an eyebrow, "What's happening on my birthday?".
"Nothing" lied Regulus.
"Yeah right. Reg, what is going on?"
"I can't say. But you're going to like it, I promise"
"You know I'm not a big fan of surprises"
"You'll like this one"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I planned this surprise, and I know what you like".

"Well, I trust you. But today is not about me, it's about you... I had better go and get dressed for today's festivities" sighed Sabrina.
"I would much rather spend the day with you alone, instead of my relatives" admitted Regulus.
"I too would rather it be just me and you. But you became a man today, and your family want to celebrate it with you"
"I wish they didn't. The two relatives I actually care about won't be here"
"You're talking about Sirius and Andromeda. They made their choice, Reg. They turned their backs on this way of life, and all of their family and that includes you"
"I know. I just miss them".

Sabrina squeezed Regulus's hand reassuringly, "You have me. And I'm not going anywhere".
"I don't know what I'd do without you" whispered Regulus.
"Neither. I've no idea where I would have ended up without you. But I can guarantee that I wouldn't be this happy if I'd never met you" replied Sabrina.
"You're one of the only things that makes me want to get up in the morning"
"And you are my only reason for existing... My life was cold and dark before I met you. But you looked past my awful childhood and took me for who I am. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me".

The sound of footsteps out on the landing made the pair jump apart.
"I'd better go" mumbled Sabrina.
"Yes, I suppose you had" agreed Regulus.
"I'll see you downstairs for breakfast"
"Not if I see you first".
Sabrina smiled and kissed Regulus's cheek before exiting his bedroom and making her way back towards her own room.
On the way she bumped into Kreacher the house-elf.
Sabrina placed her finger on her lips, and winked at Kreacher.
"Not a word" she whispered, even though she knew the elf would never betray her or Regulus.
Kreacher bowed his head respectfully and continued cleaning the bannister, allowing Sabrina to pass easily.

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