Chapter 62- The End

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After briefly celebrating the downfall of Voldemort with the rest of Hogwarts, Sabrina silently snuck out of the Great Hall, to find a more secluded spot to process her thoughts.
She sat on the grand staircase, and watched as the sun rose higher into the sky, signalling a new day.
But Sabrina wasn't alone for long, for a young man soon joined her.
"Not enjoying Voldemort's death with everyone else?" Questioned Harry as he sat down beside Sabrina.
"No, I'd rather be on my own... I'm suprised you managed to escape from your adoring fans, Mr Chosen One" smiled Sabrina.
"My friend Luna created a distraction that allowed me to sneak out undetected" replied Harry.
"Not a fan of the crowds of people who are chanting your name?"
"There are times, when like you, I want to be alone".

"I still can't believe that the dark lord is really dead" admitted Sabrina.
"Well, his dead body is in the next room if you want to check it for yourself" replied Harry.
Sabrina shuddered at the thought, "No, seeing the dark lord's body will not make me feel any better".
"You can call him Voldemort you know. Nothing bad will happen to you if you say his name" Harry said softly.
"I know. But I don't think I've ever used that name. He was always the dark lord"
"But that's not his name"
"No. His real name is Tom Riddle. He was just a twisted boy, afraid of death who went down a very dark path, to avoid dying".

"But now that he is gone, you are free" reminded Harry.
"I guess I don't have to hide in quite as much fear anymore" agreed Sabrina.
"Why do you still need to hide? Voldemort is dead, he can't hurt you any more" reassured Harry.
"I don't know how many times I have to tell you this Harry, but the dark lord isn't my only enemy. I haven't just been hiding from the dark lord for all these years remember. The Ministry want me dead too. And they were the onee that killed my son"
"You don't have to worry about the Ministry. I will clear your name for you, so that you can live in peace"
"While I appreciate the offer, it's not as easy as you think".

"Why not?" Questioned Harry.
"I'm a killer, remember. I killed a lot of people in the first wizarding war. And I was an accomplice to many other crimes as well. The Ministry won't be able to forgive me, even if I have you vouching for me. Even if they don't kill me, I will still end up spending the rest of my life in Azkaban, which is something I have been desperately trying to avoid" answered Sabrina.
"But you are a hero. I want to make sure that everyone knows the truth about you. I want you, Snape, and Regulus to be remembered as heroes" announced Harry.

"But we weren't heroes. True heroes, like your parents, do the right thing, no matter the personal cost. But me and those I loved, were not heroes. We put our own lives above everything else. And we only stopped following the dark lord, when it directly affected us. We were not good people" admitted Sabrina.
"But you weren't bad people either" insisted Harry.
"No. We weren't. In truth, most people are neither good nor bad, but somewhere in the middle. Most of us are selfish beings, who care more about self preservation than anything else. Only rare souls like you, are actually willing to sacrifice themselves in order to save the world".

"But you and Regulus found the locket Horcrux. Regulus gave his life for it. You were the only ones other than me and Dumbledore, to discover Voldemort's secret" reminded Harry.
"I know. But in the end, you and Dumbledore found the cave where the Horcrux was located. So mine and Regulus's part in the dark lords downfall was minimal, if not non existent. If we hadn't taken the Horcrux, you and Dumbledore would have done years later, and we'd still end up where he are now with Voldemort dead. Me and Regulus's mission was pointless, and he ended up dying for nothing" replied Sabrina.

"That's not true. Regulus was brave, and he died that he a hero... I watched the memories that you gave me. And I want people to see that side of you. They don't know the real you" insisted Harry.
"No, they don't. But I'm alright with that. I don't want to be remembered as a hero, when I wasn't one. I want history to just forget about me... Now, I'd better be off before anymore people show up" admitted Sabrina.

"Where will you go?" Asked Harry.
"I don't know. Not back home, I'm done with that place... I think I might travel. I have seen so little of the world, that it would be nice to actually to get to experience it" admitted Sabrina.
"All by yourself?" Questioned Harry.
"I've always been by myself. You've seen my memories. You know that I'm often alone. But being alone doesn't bother me. I loved someone once, and I wouldn't trade one minute of my time with Regulus, for more time together. Not everyone gets to find their soulmate, so I'm lucky that I got to find mine, even if we didn't get to spend our whole lives together".

"Well, don't be a stranger. Drop by to Grimmauld Place whenever you feel like it. I won't touch anything in Regulus's room. I will leave that as your private place" informed Harry.
"Thank you Harry. You really are a good man" replied Sabrina, as she got to her feet.
"Wait! Maybe there is a way for you not to be alone" announced Harry as he jumped up, before Sabrina could make her way down the steps.
"How?" Questioned Sabrina.
"But he's your house-elf"
"I know. But I want him to be yours".

"Kreacher belongs to the owner of Grimmauld Place, and that is you" reminded Sabrina.
"I will always be his master, it's true. But I want him to go with you on your travels, so that you aren't alone. You have a connection with Kreacher that I don't. Which is why I want him to go with you. Besides, after a lifetime being trapped in Grimmauld Place, I think an adventure would do him good" admitted Harry.
"Alright, I'll take him with me. You will be able to summon him back to you whenever you want. But he will spend the rest of his time with me" replied Sabrina.

"Good. It's settled. Kreacher" called Harry.
A few moments later Kreacher apparated between the pair.
"Yes, Master Harry" said Kreacher.
"I'm giving you over to Sabrina. You are to do her bidding now" informed Harry.
Kreacher smiled and looked up at Sabrina.
"Come on Kreacher. You and I are going on a little adventure" revealed Sabrina.
"Where too, Mistress?" Asked Kreacher.
Sabrina grinned, "Who knows".

The End.

Thank you for reading my book all the way to the end. I know it took a while to get going, as I took a break after the first 2 chapters. But we got there in the end.

If you liked this book, please check out some of my other Harry Potter books:
.Not a Monster (about a Maledictus who befriends the Marauders)
.Death Eater Spawn
.Jennifer Potter and the Marauders
.Friends of Hogwarts

I also have many other fanfics that are not Harry Potter related, so please check them out.

Mischief Managed.

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