Chapter 44- Side Swapping

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Sabrina wasn't really suited to motherhood, but she did the best that she could.
For the first few weeks Lily dropped round every other day, to help Sabrina with the baby.
But when Lily gave birth to her own son Harry, she could no longer come round as often.
This meant that Sabrina was left alone, with only baby Regulus for company, and the occasional visit from Kreacher.
She would take Regulus outside in his pram most days, so that she wasn't stuck inside all the time.
But she would always have her wand and the Horcrux on her at all times.

Sabrina had created a special type of belt that had a pouch on it, that she could put the Horcrux in, which she wore underneath her clothes.
At first she had worn the locket around her neck, but it hadn't taken her very long to realise that wearing it made her very angry.
And she didn't really want to have a piece of Voldemort's soul so close to her.
But since her fiancè had died to get the Horcrux, she didn't want to just leave it lying around either.
Which is why she created the belt, so that the Horcrux was always with her, but it wasn't affecting her mood, like it did when she wore it around her neck.

In the beginning of September, Sabrina was preparing to head out for a walk with Regulus, when a doe Patronus suddenly entered the living room.
She immediately assumed that Lily was in some sort of danger, as she  couldn't imagine why else her friend would contact her that way.
"I have just heard from my parents, that your mother was found dead in her home this week, and I thought I should tell you straight away" revealed the doe, before fading into nothing.
Sabrina's jaw dropped at Lily's revelation.
She hadn't seen her mother since she had been forced to murder her father in her childhood home.
And learning that her mouth was now dead, shocked her to the core.

Sabrina immediately wanted to head to Spinners End and see the truth for herself. But she knew that this wasn't exactly the safest thing for her to do.
Her mother could have been killed by someone who wanted to lure her out of hiding.
And even if Eileen had died of natural causes, the house still wouldn't be safe for Sabrina to return to, as there was likely to be a team of people sorting through her mother's belongings.
But despite the risks, Sabrina knew that she had to go back, as it would be her last chance to take any of her belongings from her room, before they got sold.

After leaving baby Regulus with Lily, Sabrina headed to her childhood home.
Since she hadn't returned after killing her father, Sabrina felt very uncomfortable being back in her house.
And she had her wand out in case the house wasn't as empty as it should be.
The building seemed smaller and creepier than Sabrina remembered.
She had hoped that after Tobias's death, Eileen would have had the chance to make a new start.
But as Sabrina walked around her old house, she realised that that hadn't happened, and that her mother had never moved on.

"You're here".
Sabrina spun around and quickly and pointed her wand at the place where the voice had come from.
"Hello Severus" said Sabrina coldly when she saw her brother standing opposite her.
"I wasn't sure if you would come. Lots of people think that you are dead. And those that don't, think that you ran away with Regulus Black" admitted Severus.
"Regulus is dead, and I no longer consider myself a death eater" revealed Sabrina, who still hadn't lowered her wand, even though her brother did not have his raised.

"I'm sorry. How did it happen?" Questioned Severus.
"It doesn't matter... Is mother really dead?" Asked Sabrina.
"Yes. The police suspect that she took her own life" answered Severus.
"Oh. I guess her death is my fault then"
"Why do you say that?"
"I killed father while she watched, and I doubt that she ever got over that"
"The dark lord told me what he made you do. And I'm sorry that you were forced to kill our father"
"He wasn't our father, not really. Dad's are supposed to care about their children. But that man never cared about us... Despite all that, killing him was not easy"
"No. I don't expect it was".

"Are you going to tell the dark lord that you saw me, and tell everyone that I'm not dead?" Questioned Sabrina curiously.
"No" informed Severus.
"Why should I believe you? Aren't you his most loyal death eater?" Asked Sabrina.
"I was"
"Was? Are you not now?"
"No... I did something bad that I regret, and now I'm trying to make amends"
"What did you do?"
"I told the dark lord something I shouldn't have. And now the person I love is paying the price".

"Wait! What's this got to do with Lily?" Quizzed Sabrina.
Severus made his way across the room and sat down at the table, placing his head in the hands.
"I was spying on Dumbledore for the dark lord, when the person he was with, started reciting a prophecy. I got thrown out before I could hear it all. But what I did hear, I told the dark lord" explained Severus.
"What did you hear? What was the prophecy about?" Asked Sabrina.
"It was about the birth of a child that would one day defeat the dark lord" answered Severus.

"I still don't understand what this has to do with Lily" admitted Sabrina.
"He thinks that it's her child. The dark lord intends to hunt her and her son down now, and kill them both" replied Severus as he rose out of his chair, looking distraught.
"Harry" gasped Sabrina.
"Yes. The dark lord thinks that boy is the one the prophecy is referring to. He's going to kill them all"
"Then we have to warn Lily and James"
"I already have. I went to Dumbledore a few days ago, and told him what I knew. I begged him to keep them all safe".

Sabrina sighed in relief, "Thank Merlin. Dumbledore will be able to keep them safe, I know it".
"I hope so" Severus said quietly.
"I suspect Dumbledore was suprised that you went to him" replied Sabrina.
"Yes. He made me promise to spy for him, in return for keeping Lily safe"
"So, you've turned your back on the dark lord?"
"Yes. I will still play my part as loyal death eater. But I will secretly be betraying him, by giving information to Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix".

"Are you sure you are up to it, being a double agent?" Questioned Sabrina, as she finally felt brave enough to lower her wand.
"I don't have a choice. Besides, I am the most accomplished person ever at using Occlumency. The dark lord will not be able to read my mind or learn where my true loyalties lie" informed Severus.
"I know that you are good. But lying to the dark lord's face on a regular basis, won't be easy" admitted Sabrina.
"I am ready for the challenge"
"Well, good luck... I had better be on my way. I don't want anyone else turning up and seeing me"
"Now that I know about you, and have changed sides, can I see you again?"
"I don't see why not, since we are on the same side now".

"Is that why you never told me the truth before? Were you scared that I would turn you over to the dark lord?" Asked Severus.
"I wasn't sure who you were most loyal to. And I couldn't be sure that you wouldn't betray me" answered Sabrina.
"You really thought I would betray my own sister?" Frowned Severus.
"Well, we weren't exactly close at the time. So I just decided it was best if no one knew that I was still alive, including you"
"Things are different now though"
"I suppose they are. I guess I will see you soon"
"Stay safe"
"You too".

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