Chapter 40- Indestructible

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"Take me back!" Screamed Sabrina, the moment her and Kreacher arrived back at the cottage.
"Kreacher can't Miss. Kreacher promised Master Regulus that he would not return to the cave. He made Kreacher promise to save you, and to not tell anyone in his family about what happened in the cave" revealed Kreacher.
The house-elf looked even more distraught than he had the first time he had returned from the cave.
"NO! I have to go back. Please take me back" begged Sabrina as she dropped to her knees.
Tears streamed from her eyes, as she tried to process what she had just witnessed.
"Kreacher can't disobey a direct order from his Master. We can't go back. It is too late... Master Regulus is gone" replied Kreacher.

"He- He can't be gone. I- I can't live without him" stuttered Sabrina, who was finding it hard to control her breathing and remain calm.
"Master Regulus is dead. He wanted to you to live. Kreacher followed his orders and saved you" Kreacher said quietly.
"But I can't live without out him! Nothing in this world matters to me. Regulus was the only thing that made me want to get up in the morning. He was the only good thing in this world. And now he's gone!" shouted Sabrina, as she stood to her feet, and began angrily marching around the room.
"Master ordered Kreacher to swap the lockets over, once he had drunk the potion" revealed Kreacher, as he raised his arm, showing the locket Horcrux to Sabrina.

Sabrina took the locket from Kreacher and began examining it, immediately noticing several differences between it and Regulus's locket, which had been left in the cave.
Something about the locket made Sabrina's skin crawl, and she wanted nothing more than to throw it against the wall, so she didn't have look at it anymore.
"Regulus died, for this" she spat.
"Master ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket" admitted Kreacher.
"Then let's destroy it, because I don't want to be around it anymore" replied Sabrina.

Sabrina stretched out her hand and dropped the locket onto the floor.
She then raised her wand, and pointed it at the locket.
"Bombarda!" Yelled Sabrina.
Her spell hit the locket, causing smoke to fill the room. But when it cleared, it became obvious that there was no damage done to the locket.
"Reducto!" Shouted Sabrina.
But once again, her spell had no effect on the locket.
Sabrina screamed and picked up the locket, before angrily throwing it against the wall.
The locket bounced off the wall, before falling back onto the floor, undamaged.

"Why won't it break?" Questioned Sabrina.
"There must be powerful magic surrounding its casing" replied Kreacher.
Sabrina bent down to the floor and picked up the locket, which she then began trying to prise open, like she was used to doing to Regulus's locket. But no matter what she tried, the locket remained shut.
"Try using some house-elf magic on it" instructed Sabrina.
Kreacher nodded and clicked his fingers, causing the locket to jump in the air, before landing back down without sustaining any damage.

"It can't be completely indestructible. There must be some way of destroying it" announced Sabrina.
"Sectumsempra!" Shouted Sabrina, using one of the many spells that her brother had invented while at Hogwarts.
"Eugh. Keep trying to destroy it, while I go and get something else that might work" ordered Sabrina.
She then left the room and headed to her study, picking up as many destructive potions and ingredients as she could.
Sabrina then returned to the living room, and began pouring numerous potions onto the locket, one by one.

Kreacher and Sabrina spent the whole night trying to destroy the Horcrux, to no avail.
The only damage that had been done, was the destruction of the living room, which had taken the brunt of their attempts to attack the locket.
"Well, I don't think we are going to destroy it today" Sabrina said quietly.
"Kreacher must return home. Mistress will be wanting her breakfast soon" admitted Kreacher, as he looked at the sun which had begun to stream into the room through the window.
"You can't tell her about any of this" reminded Sabrina.

"Kreacher can't say a word about the locket or anything that happened in the cave, because he was given a direct order from Master Regulus" announced Kreacher.
"You can't tell them anything about me either. And you can't tell them that Regulus is... dead. He will simply have vanished. I too, need to disappear. I can't let the Ministry or the dark lord find me or the locket. I will take what bare essentials I need to survive, and find somewhere safe to hide. I can't take all my belongings, because I don't want people to think that me and Regulus have run way or eloped, because they might try to find us. I need to vanish, like smoke. And you can't tell anyone where I have gone" replied Sabrina.

"Where are you going to go?" Asked Kreacher.
"I don't know. Somewhere off the grid, where no one will ever find me. I need to keep this locket safe, until I can find out how to destroy it" admitted Sabrina.
"Kreacher will help you. Kreacher promised Master Regulus that he would look after you and keep you safe" informed Kreacher.
"Thank you Kreacher. You are all I have left. You will have to look after my cat Ebony for me as well, since I won't be able to take her with me"
"Kreacher will do that".

"Good. I need to vanish, today if possible, so that I won't be seen by anyone. I'll leave the living room like it is, so that if anyone finds it, they will think me and Regulus have been attacked and possibly captured" informed Sabrina.
"Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to do your bidding many years ago. So when you want Kreacher, you will be able to summon me, just like my other masters" revealed Kreacher.
"Alright then. You should get back to Grimmauld Place, before anyone notices that you're missing" replied Sabrina, as she picked up the Horcrux and placed it into her pocket.
"Good luck Miss. Stay safe"
"You too Kreacher".

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