Chapter 39- The Cave

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Sabrina and Regulus split off in the house to get themselves prepared for a potentially very dangerous mission.
When Sabrina returned to the living room, she saw Regulus writing something on a small piece of paper.
"What's that?" She asked, as she placed her arms around him.
"I thought I'd leave the dark lord a little note. So that if he ever returns to check on his Horcrux, he will know exactly who stole it and discovered his secret" answered Regulus.
"That seems a little risky" admitted Sabrina
"Don't worry, I didn't include your name or mine, I just signed it R.A.B"
"I still think it's a little dangerous, but never mind. Let's go and get Kreacher, because we have a job to do".

"Wait, there's one last thing we have to do" announced Regulus.
"Which is?" questioned Sabrina.
Regulus didn't answer, instead he placed his hand inside his robes and pulled out a small vial with a gold liquid inside.
"Is that the Felix Felicis I made for your 16th birthday?" Asked Sabrina.
"Yes it is" answered Regulus.
"And you have never used it?"
"No, I was waiting for the right moment"
"And this is the right moment?"
"It is. I want you to drink it".

"No way. I made that for you" insisted Sabrina.
"I know. But I want you to drink it. We are going on a very dangerous mission, and I want you to be as safe as possible. Which is why I want you to drink the liquid luck" admitted Regulus.
"You should drink it. It should be you bringing us luck on this mission, not me"
"No. I've made up my mind. I want you to drink it, because your safety matters more to me than my own"
"Alright fine, I'll drink it, since I don't see myself winning this argument".

Sabrina took the vial from Regulus and downed the potion in one.
"Well, how do you feel?" Asked Regulus curiously, a few moments later.
"A little strange. But surprisingly positive, even though we about to face our potential deaths" revealed Sabrina
"Good. Hopefully this little bit of luck will give us the edge we need to pull this off" replied Regulus.
"Well then, let's get this over and done with".

They entered Grimmauld Place as quietly as possible, and woke up Kreacher who was already asleep in the cupboard he used as his room.
Kreacher then apparated them both to the cave, and showed them how to access the cavern where the Horcrux was hidden.
The elf then found a hidden chain, which he pulled on, causing a small green boat to rise up out of the water.
As Sabrina looked closer at the boat she saw ripples in the water, and when she bent down she saw a collection of bodies under the water, staring back at her.

Sabrina immediately jumped back in horror, "There's something down there" she trembled.
"There's probably a lot of defenses in this room. But we are ready for them" said Regulus firmly.
"But what if the things in the water attack the boat when we cross the lake?" Questioned Sabrina nervously.
"I doubt it. They let us pull the boat up afterall. Besides, we've got luck on our side this evening, so nothing will go wrong".
Sabrina nodded and withdrew her wand from her robes, trying not to think about the things in the lake.
But the whole cavern was making her very nervous, as it was filled with an ominous green light, which was being omitted from the centre of the lake.
However, her nervousness was being counteracted by the Felix Felicis, which was doing its job to make her feel happy and positive.

"It's tiny" commented Sabrina, as she turned her attention back to the boat.
"I'm sure we'll all fit if we squeeze" replied Regulus.
But when Sabrina attempted to follow Regulus onto the boat, she found herself being thrown back by an invisible forcefield.
"I don't think we will both be able to go. I think the dark lord has enchanted the boat so that only one person can access the Horcrux" admitted Sabrina.
Regulus climbed back out of the boat and made his way towards her.
"That can't be true, because Kreacher was in the boat with the dark lord" he reminded her.
"Elf magic is different to our magic. They can apparate in places we can't, like Hogwarts, and this cave. So I expect Kreacher's magic doesn't register next to yours" replied Sabrina.

"I guess I will have to go alone then" sighed Regulus.
"No, you can't" insisted Sabrina.
"One of us has to go, because we have to do this. We have to destroy the dark lord's Horcrux, if we want to stop him in the future"
"Then let me go. I'm the one who took the Felix Felicis afterall"
"No. If anyone is going to do this, it's going to be me. I'm the one who brought you into all this. You never would have become a death eater, if it weren't for me. Which is why I have to be the one to do this. I have to make things right... Besides, the potion is doing its best to keep you safe, by not allowing you onto the boat. So we shouldn't ignore its warnings. Which means I must do this alone".

"Please don't do this" begged Sabrina, as she grabbed hold of Regulus.
Regulus pulled his arm free and stroked her cheek softly, "I have to. If we want our future children to grow up in a world free from the dark lord's tyranny, then I have to do this".
Sabrina hugged Regulus tight, "Alright. Just be careful".
Regulus placed his lips against Sabrina's and the two shared a passionate kiss.

"I'll try my best to be as careful as I can" promised Regulus, as the pair drew apart and he made his way back onto the boat.
"I love you" whispered Sabrina.
"And I love you too".
"Keep him safe" Sabrina said to Kreacher.
Kreacher bowed his head at Sabrina before joining Regulus on the boat. And once they had both sat down, the boat began to move on its own, towards the small island in the centre of the lake.
Sabrina could do nothing but watch, as the boat slowly moved off into the distance, carrying the love of her life into danger.

It took several minutes for the boat to reach the island, but for Sabrina the time went by very slowly.
She watched as Regulus and Kreacher climbed out of the boat, but because she was so far away she could not hear what instructions Regulus was giving Kreacher.
Regulus then handed Kreacher his own version of Slytherin's locket, before picking up a crystal goblet and placing it into the liquid in the basin, which was stood in the centre of the island.

Sabrina watched in horror as Regulus drank the terrible potion that sat in the basin.
It was after he finished his third goblet that he began to scream in pain.
But despite his pain, Regulus continued to drink from the basin, as he knew he had to finish the mission.
Sabrina tried everything she could to apparate onto the little island to join Regulus. But nothing she tried worked, because she simply couldn't apparate inside the cave.
Voldemort's magic was stronger than hers, and stronger than the Felix Felicis inside her.
"Regulus! REGULUS!" Yelled Sabrina, as she tried to get Regulus's attention.

Regulus ignored Sabrina's shouts and continued drinking until the basin was empty and he collapsed onto the floor.
Sabrina watched as Kreacher swapped the lockets in the basin.
But before the elf could help Regulus, he pulled himself to the waters edge, in order to quench his thirst.
"NO!" Screamed Sabrina.
But it was too late.
Skeleton hands rose out of the water, grabbed hold of Regulus, and pulled him into the lake.

Sabrina couldn't believe what she had seen, so she continued to shout across the cave, praying that Regulus was O.K and would respond to her cries.
Unfortunately, her screaming attracted the attention of the skeletons in the lake, who then began to make their way towards her.
Kreacher saw Sabrina in danger and apparated onto her side of the lake.
The elf then gripped hold of Sabrina's hand, and apparated them both back to the safety of the cottage, leaving Regulus to his fate.

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