Chapter 16- Bad Guys

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"I hate him" announced Sabrina, once they were back in the safety of the Slytherin common room.
Since it was a nice day, everyone was out enjoying the sun, so the room was empty, which meant that Sabrina could say whatever she wanted to.
"Potter is a jerk" agreed Regulus.
"And people think we're the bad guys, allowing Potter and his mates to get up to stuff like that, which is worse then anything we do. In fact they actively applaud him for victimising my brother. Something is definitely wrong with the world, if those guys are respected and looked up to" replied Sabrina angrily.

Sabrina looked to Severus, who had remained quiet, which was unusual because he normally joined in when someone was ranting about the Marauders.
"Are you O.K?" Sabrina asked quietly.
"I'm fine" mumbled Severus.
"It's alright if you aren't. Being publicly humilated like that would make any one upset"
"I'm not upset. Not about that anyway... Do you think Lily will forgive me?".
Sabrina sighed as Severus revealed what was really bothering him.
"I don't know" she admitted.

"I should go and find her, so that I can apologise" announced Severus.
"I don't think that's a good idea. I expect she needs time to cool off" replied Sabrina.
"I need to find her. I need to make this right"
"She's probably gone back to her common room, and you can't get in there"
"Then I'll wait outside all night if I have to, until she comes out to hear my apology".

"What if she doesn't want to hear it? Sev, you said something that I don't think you can take back. You called her a Mudblood in front of a crowd of people. She isn't going to forget that any time soon" Sabrina said softly.
"Which is why I have to say sorry. She needs to understand that I didn't mean it, it just slipped out" insisted Severus.
"You can't play both sides forever. You can't call everyone of her birth a Mudblood, and expect her to be O.K with that. Eventually you have to pick a side. And it's obvious for all to see, which side you picked"
"I can make this right, you'll see".

Before Sabrina could stop him, Severus marched back out of the common room.
"I don't think she will forgive him" Sabrina said quietly.
"You don't?" Questioned Regulus.
"No. She's already put up with so much from him, so I don't think she can take anymore. I don't think their friendship will survive this" admitted Sabrina.
"What about your friendship? Have you picked your side yet?".
Regulus was one of the only people who knew about Sabrina's friendship with Lily. But she didn't like him throwing her own words back at her.

"I don't know... Me and Lily only became friends because of my brother, and if she hates him, it will make things awkward between us. But I don't want to lose her. She's the only friend I have, aside from you... But if I had to choose between the two of you, I would choose you, every time. And if that means I have to join the dark side, then I will do it. You mean everything to me" mumbled Sabrina.

"And you mean everything to me... I was scared of losing you earlier" revealed Regulus.
Sabrina frowned, "But I wasn't in any danger".
"When you stood up to Potter, I felt sure that he was going to snap, and hurt you like he had been doing to Severus" admitted Regulus.
"He wouldn't really have hurt me, not in front of all those people. Mocking Severus is one thing, because everyone hates him. But hurting a girl in the year below, probably wouldn't have looked good for him. And as we know, Potter cares more about how people perceive him, than actually being a decent human being".

"I don't know what my brother sees in him" mumbled Regulus.
"Reg, Sirius is just like him and you know it. He was placed in Gryffindor, because he is just like those arrogant show offs. Maybe he was different when you were younger, but the second he became friends with Potter, he turned into him. I know it's hard for you to see the brother you love, turn into a jerk, but you have to accept who he is now" insisted Sabrina.

"I know that he has turned his back on our family, but he is still my brother. And if he wasn't, he would have joined Potter and attacked you, when you threatened them. Him being my brother protected you" admitted Regulus.
"Maybe. But he didn't exactly stand up to help us, or stop Potter from threatening me. We can't rely on his help to save us from Potter. Everyone knows that Sirius and James are as close as brothers. And I have a feeling that Sirius cares more about his friends, than his family" replied Sabrina.
"And I have a feeling that you're right... It's just hard to accept that my brother is gone".

Sabrina lent forward and placed her arms around Regulus, holding him in a hug.
"I know how hard it is to see your brother like this. I too, am not happy with the person that my brother has become. But like I said earlier, I'd rather him be like this, than be like Potter" admitted Sabrina, as she released Regulus.
"At least your brother isn't an arrogant jerk" muttered Regulus.
"That's debatable" replied Sabrina, as she forced a smile.
"At least he isn't friends with Potter"
"Well, I don't particularly like Severus's friends, but I like them better than Potter, that's for sure".

"I guess we both have family problems" sighed Regulus.
"Yes. They are different, but we both have them" agreed Sabrina.
"Which is why I want you to come over to mine as much as possible during the summer. My parents are always nicer when you're around. And I don't like the idea of you being at your house for too long"
"Don't worry, I have no intention of spending too much time at home, so I will be coming to yours a lot. Provided your parents don't mind me coming over all the time"
"They won't mind, I promise"
"Good. Then we will definitely be seeing a lot of each other over the holidays then".

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