Chapter 54- Plotting

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Sabrina was not happy about letting Mundungus Fletcher go, but she knew that she didn't have a choice.
She didn't want Harry to see her murder someone, since she had claimed that she was a reformed death eater. So if she wanted him to like her, she would have to show that she was a good person now.
"So, who is this woman who has the Horcrux locket?" Asked Sabrina.
"Her name is Dolores Umbridge" answered Harry.
"That crazy lady who took over Hogwarts while the Ministry was refusing to accept the dark lord's return?"
"Yep, that's her"
"That means that the locket is most likely to be at the Ministry right now"
"Yes, it does".

Sabrina frowned, as she knew that they couldn't exactly walk into the Ministry and ask for the locket back.
All of them were in hiding, so entering the Ministry was off limits.
"I want to help you get the Horcrux back. And I want to finish the task that Regulus left me. But I can't go to the Ministry. If they discovered that I was there, they would kill me" admitted Sabrina quietly.
"Earlier you said that the Ministry killed your son. What exactly did you mean by that?" Asked Hermione cautiously.
"It doesn't matter" mumbled Sabrina.
"Please tell us" encouraged Harry.

"Alright, fine. I found out that I was pregnant shortly after Regulus died, so I knew that I was going to have to raise our son alone. When he was just one, he was killed... A bunch of aurors ambushed me in Diagon Alley, and some of them managed to grab hold of me as I disapparated back home. We all got into a massive fight, destroying half my house. My son Regulus was intrigued by all the noise and entered the room, to see what was going on. One of the aurors thought someone was coming to assist me, so they fired off a spell, without waiting to see who had come inside the room. Regulus was thrown across the room, and he hit his head on the brick wall, killing him instantly" revealed Sabrina.

Hermione gasped, and placed her hands over her mouth in horror.
"They killed him" she said quietly.
"Yes. My son never got to grow up, because of them" replied Sabrina coldly.
"What happened after that?" Asked Harry.
"I lost my temper. And I killed all the aurors in the room. They were momentarily distracted by my son's death, so I used this to my advantage and threw the killing curse at them all" answered Sabrina.
"You murdered them all" frowned Ron.
"At the time it felt like the right thing to do. In hindsight, I should've just killed the man who murdered my son. An eye for an eye. I should've just stunned the others, and allowed them to live. But in the heat of the moment, I killed them all" admitted Sabrina.

"I know what it's like to do things because you are angry and upset. I tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on Bellatrix, after she killed Sirius" revealed Harry.
"We all lose our temper from time to time, in stressful situations... And now you see why I am not willing to face the Ministry again. They took my son from me, and forced me to commit several murders. My brother also put a lot of work in, to make everyone believe that I was dead. So I don't want to undermine all his hard work, by revealing myself to the Ministry" replied Sabrina.
"You have a brother?" Questioned Hermione.
"Yes. He's the only person I have had contact with, other than Kreacher, since my sons death" answered Hermione.

"Who is your brother?" Asked Ron.
"No one important. Besides, we are not exactly on speaking terms at the moment. He still sends me food so that I don't have to leave the house. But I haven't spoken to him in weeks" admitted Sabrina.
She wasn't happy about the direction the conversation was going in.
Sabrina needed Harry to trust her enough allow her to help get the Horcrux back.
But she knew that he would not trust her, if he knew that Severus was her brother.

"Does your brother know that you were a death eater?" Questioned Harry.
"Of course he does. Afterall, he is one too" revealed Sabrina.
"Your brother is a death eater!"
"Yes. But I'd rather not talk about him. And right now, we have more important things to discuss. We have to get that Horcrux back from Umbridge, if we are stand any chance of beating the dark lord".

"You're right. We need to get hold of the locket, before we lose it again. We know who has it, so we need to grab it while we have the chance" admitted Harry.
"Yeah, but we can't exactly stroll in and knick it from Umbridge. You are a wanted man" reminded Ron.
"Ron's got a point. This mission has to be planned perfectly" announced Hermione.
"And I will give you all the help you need to plan this heist. But I will not be a part of the actual mission. I will not be setting foot in the Ministry, under any circumstances" informed Sabrina.
"We'll be grateful for any help that we can get, since this isn't exactly going to be a walk in the park" replied Harry.

"Right now the Ministry and the dark lord are closer than ever. The dark lord is practically in charge of the Ministry, since Pius Thicknesse, the Minister for Magic, is under his control. So if anyone in the Ministry catches you, it's all over. If you are to enter the Ministry undetected, you are going to need to be heavily disguised at the very least" admitted Sabrina.
"I have Moody's entire supply of Polyjuice Potion with me" revealed Hermione.

"That's good. Being someone else entirely, will definitely help get you inside the building. But the guards will be on the look out for anyone who looks suspicious. So you will have to do your best to blend in and act normal" warned Sabrina.
"I guess we had better get planning then, to make sure that this mission is a success" sighed Harry.
"I'm sure with all of us working together, we will be able to come up with something brilliant" replied Sabrina.

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