Chapter 15- School Bullies

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Sabrina didn't spend much time with her brother over the months that followed.
They had both reacted to the werewolf incident differently, and Severus seemed to think that Remus was just as much to blame as the others.
Severus was also busy studying for his OWLs that were coming up, so he didn't have time to waste hanging out with his sister.
Sabrina also didn't want go be around him when his friends were there, because she didn't like them.

As exam season started, the nice weather arrived.
Sabrina and Regulus spent a lot of time outside, since they didn't get much sun, cooped up in the Slytherin common room, as that was underground.
It was rather quiet outside one afternoon, until the 5th years finished one of their exams and flooded out onto the grounds.
"There goes our peace and quiet" sighed Sabrina as she put her Potions book away, and rested her head against Regulus's shoulder.
A group of 5th year girls had made their way down to the waters edge, and had begun to dip their feet into the lake.
Sabrina could see that Lily was among them, but she made no attempt to say hello to her friend.

"Do you want to head back inside?" Asked Regulus, who knew that Sabrina wasn't a fan of crowds or social situations.
"No, let's stay out a few more minutes" replied Sabrina, who wanted to soak up as much sun as she could.
Sunny days were rare in Scotland, and she wanted to make the most of the nice weather.
Suddenly Sabrina heard shouts from behind her, so she spun around and saw that a large crowd of people had gathered up the hill.
"What's going on?" Questioned Sabrina, as she stood to her feet.
"I'm not sure" replied Regulus, before joining her.

Sabrina made her way up the hill towards the crowd of people, with Regulus at her side.
She noticed the lack of green clothing around them, which made her nervous, as she wouldn't be able to rely on anyone from her house helping her, if she got in trouble.
As she pushed her way to the front of the group, she saw the Marauders laughing at a figure on the floor.
Sabrina frowned when she realised that it was her brother.
"You wait" shouted Severus, who couldn't seem to move from his place on the floor.
"Wait for what? What are you going to do Snivelly, wipe your nose on us?" Laughed James.

"Come on, you don't want to watch this" whispered Regulus, as he tried to pull Sabrina away.
Sabrina shook herself free from his grasp, and headed towards James.
Severus began yelling a mixture of curses and swear words at James, but since he didn't have his wand, nothing happened.
"Wash your mouth out. Scourgify" said James coldly.
Pink soap bubbles streamed from Severus's mouth, making him gag and choke.
Sabrina removed her wand from her robes, and pointed it at James, "Stop right now, Potter".

"I think the pink suits him" grinned James, who wasn't in any way threatened by Sabrina.
"Leave him alone!" Shouted Lily, as she pushed her way through the crowd to join them.
Sabrina didn't normally acknowledge Lily in public, so she was unsure how to react now that her friend was stood by her side, protecting her brother.
James immediately ran his fingers through his hair, and smiled at Lily, "Alright Evans?".
"Leave him alone. What's he ever done to you?" Asked Lily.
"Well, it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean" replied James, making a lot of the students around them laugh.
"You think you're so funny. But you're just an arrogant bullying toerag Potter. Leave him alone"
"I will, if you go out with me".

"I wouldn't go out with you, if it was a choice between you and the giant squid" snapped Lily.
"Bad luck Prongs" chuckled Sirius.
As the group moved their attention from Lily back to Severus, they noticed him reaching for his wand, as James's curse wore off.
Severus sent a spell at James, causing a large gash to appear on his face, splattering his robes in blood.
James reacted quickly, and a flash of light later, Severus was hanging upside down in the air, revealing his grey underpants and skinny legs.

Sabrina glared at James, and moved even closer to him, with her wand still raised.
"Put my brother down!" Ordered Sabrina.
"Certainly" replied James, as he removed the spell, allowing Severus to drop down onto the floor with a loud thud.
Severus stood to his feet, but before he could reach his wand, Sirius cast another spell at him, "Petrificus Totalus".
Severus kneeled over again, rigid as a board, and hit his face on the floor.

"You asked for it. Stupify!" Shouted Sabrina, pointing her wand at James.
He deflected her spell with ease, "Now now, you don't want to end up like your brother, do you?".
"I'd rather be like him, than like you. You are so full of yourself Potter. You think that the world revolves around you, but you're wrong. Popularity might be useful at school, but when you enter the real world, you'll see that that counts for nothing" replied Sabrina.
"Oh go and read a book why don't you. This doesn't concern you"
"That is my brother you are harassing, so I would say that it does concern me"
"If you want to be treated like him, then I can oblige".

"Expelliarmus!" Shouted James, causing Sabrina's wand to go flying in the air, so that James could catch it with his free hand.
"Leave them alone!" Yelled Lily, as she removed her own wand, which James and Sirius eyed warily.
"Evans, don't make me hex you too" replied James.
"Take the curse of him then, and give Sabrina back her wand"
"As you wish".
James muttered the counter-curse so that Severus could climb to his feet, before throwing Sabrina's wand onto the ground in front of her.

"You're lucky Evans was here, Snivellus" admitted James.
"I don't need help from filthy Mudbloods like her" spat Severus.
Sabrina gasped at her brother's words.
Despite being cold towards Lily when around others, she had never called their friend a Mudblood.
"Fine. I won't bother in the future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus" replied Lily coldly.
"Apologise to Evans" ordered James.
"I don't want you to make him apologise. You're as bad as he is"
"But I'd never call you a you know what"
"Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you just got off a broomstick, showing off with that stupid snitch, hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can- I'm suprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me sick!".

Lily turned and headed back to school, without looking back.
"What is it with her?" Frowned James.
"Reading between the lines, I'd say that she thinks you're a bit concieted, mate" replied Sirius.
James glared angrily at Severus, and a flash of light later, Severus was hanging upside down again.
"Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?" James asked the crowd.
Sabrina bent down and picked up her wand, before pointing it at James once more.
"If you dare, I will make you wish that you've never been born, Potter" threatened Sabrina.

"I can do the same to you as your brother, if you like?" Offered James.
Regulus came forward and stood by Sabrina's side with his wand raised.
James didn't like being outnumbered, so he looked to his friends for back up. But since Sirius didn't want to attack his brother or his brothers girlfriend, he hadn't raised his wand. Remus remained at the side of the group, looking disappointed in his friends, and not in the mood for a fight. And Peter looked nervous about getting involved in a duel.

James sighed and removed the spell off Severus, allowing him to fall to the floor.
"Take him" announced James.
Sabrina didn't need to be told twice.
She yanked her brother from the floor, as Regulus picked up his wand for him.
The three of them then headed back to school, wanting to get as far away from James and his friends as possible.

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