Chapter 23- Mudblood

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Sabrina couldn't get used to having the dark mark on her arm.
She had never considered having a tattoo, so having something permanently on her skin was strange. And since it was something she had to hide, she had to make sure that her sleeves were always long enough to cover it.
To Sabrina's delight, neither her or Regulus were summoned to a meeting with Voldemort before they returned to Hogwarts.
Sabrina was happier than normal to be going back, as she hadn't seen her brother all summer so she was looking forward to seeing him, and she also wanted to be somewhere that was safe from Voldemort.
However, she was terrified that someone was going to discover the mark on her arm.
But luckily since her roommates were all proud Slytherin pure-bloods, she didn't think it would be the end of the world if one of them found out the truth.

Sabrina did want to tell her brother that she was now a death eater, but she wasn't sure how to broach the subject.
He was always surrounded by other Slytherins, so Sabrina struggled to find a time to tell him.
But there was one person who she couldn't seem to avoid, despite her best efforts, and that was Lily Evans. And at the end of their first week at school, Lily ambushed her.
"Merlin's beard Lily, did you really have to push me so hard?" Questioned Sabrina, after Lily shoved her into one of the school walls outside.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Asked Lily.
"I haven't been ignoring you" lied Sabrina.
"Yes you have. Every time you meet my eye, you look away"
"That doesn't mean that I'm ignoring you"
"Then why haven't you come to see me yet?"
"I've just been very busy. And you're busy too, since you are head girl, congratulations by the way. Although I doubt you are enjoying spending time with Potter, who is head boy"
"Thank you, I was thrilled when I got my letter. But you would already know that if you'd come to visit me over the summer, which you didn't".

"I couldn't come to see you" admitted Sabrina.
"Why?" Frowned Lily.
"Because I ran away from home" revealed Sabrina.
Lily's jaw dropped, "You did what?".
"I just couldn't take it any more. My father pushed me too far, and I had to get out" replied Sabrina.
"You could've come to mine. My parents wouldn't have minded"
"I didn't want to force myself onto your parents like that, when I barely know them. Besides, if they knew what went on at my house, they would want to call the Muggle police, which would not be a good thing".

"Where did you go?" Asked Lily.
"Regulus's house. His parents were very understanding, and sort of accepted me into their lives" answered Sabrina.
"But they don't know the truth about you, right?" Questioned Lily.
"No, they think I'm a pure-blood with a dead father, and a Muggle loving mother, which is why I left home"
"They're going to find out the truth eventually"
"I thought that at first, but so far, my secret has remained hidden from them"
"If they find out-"
"They're not going to find out, because no one is going to tell them".

"I still think it's very risky for you to keep hanging around with those people" insisted Lily.
"I don't have a choice, it's too late to go back now. I've made my bed, and now I have to lie in it" sighed Sabrina.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Quizzed Lily.
"It doesn't matter... Look, Lily, we can't be friends any more"
"Why on earth not?"
"Don't be stupid Lily, you know the answer to that. We are both on different sides of this war. It is dangerous for both of us to keep this up. Which is why we have to end this now, before anyone finds out".

Sabrina moved to go, but Lily grabbed her arm, pulling her back.
"No. I don't care how dangerous it is. I still want you to be my friend" admitted Lily.
Sabrina yanked her arm out of Lily's grasp, in case her friend accidentally activated her dark mark.
"This can't continue and you know it. I'm a Slytherin in a pure-blood world, and you're a Muggle-born" reminded Lily.
"But you're not like them. You are good" insisted Lily.
Sabrina's eyes flicked to her left arm, "No, I'm not".
"Yes, you are, I know it. You're not cruel and evil like they are. You're kind and good".

"Not all pure-bloods are evil, and I don't appreciate you grouping Regulus in with them. He is my family now, so my allegiance is with him. Without him I have nothing, so I can't keep doing something that puts my whole way of life at risk" announced Sabrina.
"But we can keep our friendship a secret, like we have done for all these years, I know we can. Why does it have to change now?" Questioned Lily.
"We won't be students forever. This is your last year at Hogwarts, and very soon you will be entering the real world. And in the real world, someone like me, cannot be friends with someone like you" replied Sabrina.

"What happened to you over the summer? Last term you were happy with us being friends in secret. But now you don't want us to keep doing that. What has changed?" Asked Lily.
"Nothing... I just came to realise the truth. Our two sides will never get on. I don't want to put a target on your back, and that's what will happen if people find out we are friends. Muggle-borns are being killed out there, and I don't want to give the people killing them, a reason to come after you" admitted Sabrina.
"I can take care of myself"
"No, you can't... He has the numbers, and if he wants you dead, then you don't stand a chance".

"I am willing to take that risk" announced Lily.
"Well I'm not. I will not put your life in danger. Me and Regulus have a role to play in what's to come, and I will not allow you to get involved. You can't be friends with me, if I don't want to be friends with you. Friendship is a two sided relationship" replied Sabrina.
"So, this is it. You're not going to talk to me anymore after this?"
"No. But it is for the best... You are a good person Lily, don't ever change".
Sabrina turned and began to make her way away from Lily, but her friend ran after her, throwing her arms around her.
"You will always be my friend, even if we can no longer meet up at school" whispered Lily.

Sabrina pushed Lily away, "That's not what I want. This isn't just a school thing, this is a forever thing. We cannot be friends anymore, and that's that".
"Why are you doing this?" Questioned Lily.
Sabrina sighed, because she realised that there was only one way to get Lily to stop viewing her as a friend. She would have to do the same thing as her brother, if she wanted to keep Lily safe.
"Because I don't want to be friends with a filthy Mudblood like you. Is that clear enough for you?" Shouted Sabrina, before turning and heading back to Hogwarts, feeling like the worst person ever.

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