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Second day.

My freaking second day yet I'm here. I should be staying at home with my cat and not eating with a bunch of lunatics.

Since there were multiple lunatics, we had to seat separately.

"Why am I seating with this bunch?" Sadly, I'm seating with Mister Hot,
Ocean eyes, Baguette. Why?

"(Last Name)-chan," Ocean eyes calls to me. I glanced at his way, a spoon is in front of my mouth, my eyes widened a little.

"Please taste this," he said politely. It smells decent so sure. I was seated next to him so he was closer than the rest. The two crazy babies in front of us.

I opened my mouth, my lips parting. It seems like the two other lunatics quieted down, now watching us.

"Ah..." he guided, he entered my mouth. Why do I think like this? My cheeks heat up at the thought, and it didn't go unnoticed by the two players.

They peek at each other, exchanging looks.

"Thank you, Ocean eyes. It was flavorful," I said, tilting my head.

"You always tilt your head, (Last Name)," Kuroko says.

"It's just a habit I got from someone," I answered, eating.

"Who's that someone?"

"Let's just say he's someone I want to bury," Baguette choked as he was munching. Mister Hot just looks at him before continuing eating.

Ocean eyes quickly gave Baguette a glass of water.

"Hmm, Baguette," I placed my hand under my chin, staring at the tan boy, "Where did you learn Basketball?"

That seemed to stop Mister Hot from eating as he looks at him now, "Why?"

"Just curious, I guess," I shrugged my shoulders before grabbing some food from Ocean eyes' plate.

"Baguette?" Oops.

"Well, you're like a baguette so,"

"How is he a Baguette?!" Mister Hot asked.

"Dark and Long," I explained, " He's tan so dark, he's tall so long,"

"Long?" Baguette rubs his head before snickering.

What the heck are you thinking, Baguette? Stupid green mind.

"He's Baguette and I'm called Mister Hot?! While Kuroko's Ocean eyes!"

"What kind of mind do you have, woman..."

"Is it because he's hot?" Baguette questioned.

I– "No. That's not it at all."

"His hair is red sooo, then Kuroko has blue eyes," I described.

My phone's ringing, I grab my purse, gripping my phone along with it, "Yo,"

"(Your Nickname)-chan?"

"Nagisa-kun? What is it? Is something wrong? Are you okay? Is Makoto okay?" That seems to catch the three boys' attention.

"He's fine! I just called since you were still not at home, I just got worried! You usually arrived at three so," Nagisa-kun cleared out.

I sigh, I look at the time, it's already Five. I'm gonna go now, "Don't worry, I'm almost at home,"

"Almost at home? Pfft, she's at the restaurant," Baguette said, chuckling.

I sent a glare to him, making him shudder.

"Yeah, I'm almost there. Do you want me to bring you something? Is there still food for Makoto?"

"No! It's okaayy!"

"By the way, where's Haruka-kun?"

"Haru-chan? He's swimming, as usual."

A smile formed, disappearing as fast as it came. "Okay, see you, Nagisa-kun." I nodded at them before leaving, my friends waiting for me.

" I nodded at them before leaving, my friends waiting for me

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I think I need to see a doctor.

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