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The sky is gorgeous. The violet shades blending with the scarlet red rays. There's someone near me, he's sitting with Midoriya.

He's an odd fellow, he has his hair dyed into two colours. Red and white. But I mean the boys have different colours too. Is it natural?

Is his thing like that too...?

"(F-First Name)!" why's he stuttering all of the sudden?

I turn around to see Mister Hot... different hair-coloured titans behind him.

"Go out with me!" the titans almost devouring Mister Hot as they hear him exclaimed from the distance.



And that is how I got into this situation, my friends.

"Uh..." Baguette said.

Oh, right, I haven't mentioned that I'm not alone, right? I'm currently in a fancy restaurant with tall colourful men.

Surprisingly, a friend of mine owns the restaurant so I got to talk to him. Yes, him. But no worries, he won't be a love interest or a competition either.

And you know what, he's gay! And that makes my friendship with him deeper. Me supporting the LGBTQ+ is legitimate an honour.

His name is Yuri and his Husband is Victor. He's Russian, Yuri-chan is blessed with stunning skating skills.

His boyfriend, Victor, won five consecutive– wait, what was it again? Nevermind that.

"(First Name)-chan, how do you know the owner?" Kuroko asked me, refusing CandyMan's offer.

"Oh, Yuri? I met him when I was on a vacation in Russia. We clicked instantly and got to know each other," I explained.

"You go to Russia as a vacation?!" Baguette said, almost spilling the wine he was sipping.

A slight chuckle left my mouth, and their eyes widen, cheeks heating up. Eh?

Oh, right, "I don't really laugh so that might have been unexpected,"

Weird Saiki Guy nods, chewing elegantly his steak. "This is the first time I saw you laugh, Chibi-chan," Candy Man utters.


"HA! I made (First Name) laugh unlike you! HA-HA-HA!" are they really gonna fight right now?

A sigh left Ocean eyes' mouth as he hopelessly looked at the two crackheads. The two failures start to bicker and argue with one another.

Seriously... this isn't going as I anticipated.

Kuroko turned to me, a small smile on his face, holding a spook near my lips, "Well, this is nostalgic," I take a bite from his spoon.

"(First Name)-chan, I want to take you on a date tomorrow," I choked.

I cough a few times before drinking the champagne. Okay.



have you watched it? 😏 iykyk

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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