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"Put me down, this instant, Candy Man," I demanded Candy Man but he only ignored me. Not paying me any mind and continued to walk.

Ah, seriously...

As I was sulking, refusing to look forward or at Candy Man, we halted. Eh?

I glance down and took a glimpse in front of us. The boys? Oh! They all have different hair colours.


Ocean Eyes.

Mister Hot.

Tree Man.

Blonde Model Guy.

Weird Saiki Guy.

Candy Man.

And me.

Well, this is awkward.

I'm the only one with black hair.

"O–Oi! What are you doing up there, (First Name)?!" Mister Hot said, staring up.

Hehehe, I'm taller than him now.

"Chilling, wanna be high too?" That sound completely wrong but sure. Mister Hot was about to say anything when Baguette interrupted.

"Put her down." Oya? Why is his face like that? He's making a super hilarious face.

Are Are~ You know the one the has lines in the middle of his eyes, and an irk mark on his face. It's funny but not that funny for me to laugh at.

"Yah! Seriously, just put her down, " CandyMan placed me down near Weird Saiki Guy, so I inched a little bit closer to Ocean Eyes, Kuroko glanced at me before looking forward again.

Is this a reunion? "I'll get going now, " I wave at them, waddling away.

But I was pulled back by a certain Blue Head. Kuroko.

I turned my head to him, he was holding on to my hand. Okaayy.

Why am I here? Seriously?

"This is the guy that had beaten you? Outrageous." Weird Saiki Guy said, looking at Mister Hot with disgust.

Mister Hot was about to say something when I blurted something quite bluntly, "And he'll be that someone that'll beat you as well." Mister Hot smiled as he gazes intensely at Weird Saiki Guy.

"I hate to admit it but he's that guy," Baguette said.

"I'm looking forward to your defeat." I confessed before walking away. This time Kuroko not stopping me but following me with his light.

"My words are absolute. I will not accept defeat." I heard him say as I step away.

" I heard him say as I step away

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Eyo. I AM HERE again, we have 15 reads but I doubt that someone read it, its prolly me since i proofread it.

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