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I woke up due to fucking loud noises. Can't they see someone is sleeping? And this fucking headache isn't helping either.

I gently opened my Oikawa or as you know a door since I don't want it getting broken, only to see Mister Hot gripping my ex's shirt.

I fucking nudged him away from Haruka-kun. "Who the fuck told you that you can lay a hand on Haruka-kun?" I calmly stated but deep inside I just wanna smack Mister Hot's head into the wall. If only I can.

"(F-First Name)! He took off your shirt while you were dozing off!" so that's why the scent of Haruka-kun welcomed me when I woke up. I was wondering why I wore Haruka's shirt.

Wait... so does that means what I did earlier to Haruka-kun was true?! It... wasn't a dream?

Oh hell no.

I glanced at Haruka-kun and let out a shaky breath. All the embarrassing things I did earlier was fucking true.

I- I fucking can't show my face to him. I hastily turn my back at him, facing Ocean eyes.

I felt a hand gently plopped on my shoulders. My badass self can't handle this. Hello, how are you? I am under the pressure, please help me— fucking stop with the puns, (First Name)!

"Are you okay now, (First Name)? I haven't cooked yet since I wanted to check on you first," he turns me around, placing a hand on my forehead, "I'll cook you soup and... mackerels,"

Mackerels? Oh, fucking hell yeah.

The boys watched as both, brows furrowed excluding Riko-chan. Riko-chan approved on Haruka-kun because of him making me happy. He inspired me a lot back then until now...

I just nod solemnly, agreeing.


"(First Name)-san, who is he?"

I took a glimpse at Haruka-kun, cooking. The team hasn't still left since they still have a few minutes to spare. I was wrapped up in a blanket since it was cold.

It was winter and I'm cold. I'm fucking cold, Mari.

"He's a close friend so I appreciate it if you don't do something bad to him." I eyed Mister Hot, him making a fuss about it, and me just ignoring him.

I felt someone hugged me from my back. Cute little hands but muscly?

"Nagisa-kun?" I turned around, seeing him nodding his head vigorously.

So cute.

"Rei Nii-chan? You're also here?" I tilt my head.

You guessed it right, he's my brother. That's why I'm so smart, HA HA HA! You are probably wondering why I have black hair and not blue hair. I don't know either, dudes.

"What did you do (Last Name) for you to get sick?! Just because you're now living alone, you can do whatever you want!" Rei nii-chan pulled me somewhere as Nagisa-kun chatted with the team as they prepared to leave.

I just nodded my head along with his lectures, apologising multiple times. Seriously, Rei nii-chan is sooooo strict when it comes to me.

Even when I was with Haruka-kun, he had to get Rei nii-chan's hand before even courting me. Like, duh.

But we don't talk about that anymore :))

Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I was supposed to update this lol but i forgot hehe.

everything is ready tho. just a click needed.

Her Extroverted Life!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora