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"I'll be back!" I yelled as my aunt's voice dissipated into the background. The cool, breezy air of the evening wrapped around me as I stepped outside.

Youn was right, not the being picked on part, but I needed to build up my stamina if I wanted to keep up with the class. The training yesterday was refreshing, but it would be much better if I had my strength back.

I hopped onto the road, warming up my body with some light jumping jacks. Somehow, my ankle seemed to be holding on these past few days despite the vigorous exercises. It still hurts, of course, but I've learnt to endure it.

Whether it hinders recovery, that's another story.

I started jogging slowly, following the same road that led up to the training centre. The distance might be short, but I haven't got a chance to explore other routes yet, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

I picked up the pace, letting my injured foot get used to my weight. The road ahead was deserted, being lit up by only a hue of orange rays as the sun set a distance away from me. The summer wind engulfed my whole body as it swept the already formed beads of sweat from my limbs, cooling me off further.

Houses flash past me as I looked into the distance, admiring the pinkish blanket that draped over the sky. For a few seconds, I felt like I've gone through a memory wipe as my thoughts were drained out of my mind.

Forget everything, this moment was spectacular.

But a whole unpleasant domino effect started taking place as my unstable breathing soon caught up with me. I started to slow down, my thighs feeling the ache as my steps got heavier, causing a sharp pain to wheeze up my ankle.

Eventually, I came to a stop, panting heavily with my hands on my hips. Thankfully, I stopped at the perfect place.

To my right, a beautiful beach was in sight, the sound of the waves crashing easing my mind. Okay, I've only been here a couple of days, but how did I not notice this paradise right next to the training centre?

"I guess I can take a break here," I huffed, taking a step onto the white sand. I trudged forward, my shoes sinking an inch into the soft blanket as I fixated my gaze onto the scene in front of me.

The sky was now lavender, with pink streaks streaming across the wide canvas. Sadly, the big ball of fire was blocked by the rows of clouds that aligned the sky. What a pity.

The sea breeze blew against my face as I closed my eyes, taking in the fresh sea air. I was starting to sink in my own thoughts again, but a weird crunching noise drove me away. I turned towards the source of the sound.

A humanly figure was seen trudging down the shores a few metres away from me, and I hate to say it but, it didn't take me a second to recognise him.

"Aish, why am I seeing him everywhere," I muttered to myself and pivoted on my heels, planning to head back immediately. He just ruined my somewhat paradise moment.

"Don't pretend you didn't see me," his voice echoed and I stopped in my tracks. I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eyes, but decided to continue heading up the beach.

"You're ignoring me?" Donghyuck's snarky reply hit the core of my eardrums, "You're gonna get in trouble for that."

Hold it in, Yoojin.

"What do you want?" I snarled impatiently, finally turning around and meeting his face. "I don't want to be associated with you."

Amidst my attempt to shake him off, he seemed to be satisfied with my answer. He crossed his arms and laughed, walking towards me with great strides. I don't know why, but I got a little scared.

by the sidelines • haechanWhere stories live. Discover now