Chapter 05 | Strange.

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ᴵ ᴬᴹ ᶜᵁᴿᴿᴱᴺᵀᴸᵞ ᵂᴼᴿᴷᴵᴺᴳ ᴼᴺ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ˢᵀᴼᴿᵞ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴬᴺᴼᵀᴴᴱᴿ ˢᵀᴼᴿᵞ, ᴮᵀᵂ!

~TimeSkip, Narrator's P.O.V.~

Y/n was sitting on the park bench, waiting for her new friend, Kim, to arrive. Kim had texted her the location that she wanted to meet up at. Which was the park where they first met each other, Y/n was even sitting on the exact bench that she was that night. As Y/n patiently waited for the female, she noticed a man. What was strange, was that it was the same man she saw yesterday, on her way to her parents house. She was staring at the man's back prfile since he was turned away from her. Y/n then felt a sudden but light kick in her stomach, Y/n immediately tore her eyes from the man and instead looked at her growing baby bump. Y/n caressed her stomach while tenderly smiling.

~ Y/n's P.O.V. ~

"I can't wait to meet you, D/n."
I then lifted my eyes back to where I originally saw the man only to lock eyes with him directly. We held eye contact for about 25 seconds until I heard a somewhat familiar feminine voice shout,

"Hey, Y/n!"
I broke eye contact with the man and turned my gaze towards Kim. I smiled and stood up to hug her, we both sat on the bench and in my peripheral vision, I saw the man walk away. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding for awhile, seeing the unsettling man leave somehow comforted me.

"Y/n, what's wrong? You look extremely stressed. Is everything alright with you?"
Kim asked, concern mixed with worry completely evident in her voice and choice of words. I simply nodded and stated,

"I should head home now, we have been talking for a few hours and my baby girl is getting hungry and so am I."
We both stood up and hugged each other. We also bid our goodbyes and parted ways.

As I was making my way home, I had an extreme cramp/ache in my abdomen area. Strange enough, the unsettling man came by my side. Oh, I forgot to describe how the man looked, silly me.

The man had jet black, shoulder length hair. His eyes were either very light blue or very light grey. He only wore monochromatic colored clothes and his teeth were pearly white but were abnormally sharp for a human. He radiated the smell of very sweet candy, he was also extremely tall. I am guessing he was about 9-10 feet tall, which I didn't even know was physically possible but I'm not a judgmental person so I decided to ignore his very tall height.

"Miss, are you okay?"  The man asked, he bent down to my height.

"Y-yes, I am j-just having a terrible a-ache, that's a-a-all." I constantly stuttered since the excruciating pain was attempting to eliminate my ability to talk straight. I nearly collapsed just as I finished the word, 'all'. But, luckily the strange man caught me before I could do so.

"Miss, if it's alright. Can I help walk you home? I doubt you will get there all by yourself in this condition. You also don't want to risk hurting your c-child, I assume." He stated, he was 100% correct after all. I couldn't help but notice though, when he said 'child', he had a tone in his voice that kind of sounded hateful, like he hated children. His voice was also very deep and raspy, some would even say scary or creepy.

I nodded my and said,
"Umm sure, you can walk me home. Thank you,......what's your name by the way?"

"My name is Jack, what's your name?"
Jack asked.

"Thank you, Jack. My name is Y/n."
I answered with a warm smile on my lips.
As if my smile was contagious, the man smiled as well.

"Y/n, that is a very pretty name indeed. It suits you quite well, dear."
He then wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and he began to walk me home.

"Thank you, Jack. I like your name as well." I smiled as a hint of pink appeared on my nose bridge from blushing.

I then thought, 'He isn't that bad of a guy, I guess I was just being judgmental earlier.'

~TimeSkip, at Y/n's house.~

I unlocked my front door and invited Jack inside. He accepted and walked in, Noah came running to me and he hugged me. I smiled and looked back at Jack, I said,

"Jack, this is my younger brother, Noah. Noah, this is my new friend, Jack." Noah waved at Jack, still clinging onto me at my hips. Noah then said,

"You have the same name as one of my friends, Jack! You even look similar to him in a way, if you had a pointy nose and clown clothes, you would look exactly like him!" I chuckled and told Noah to go play with his friends from school who were currently knocking on the front door, want omg to play with Noah. Noah ran outside and played with them. I turned back towards Jack.

"Sorry about that. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Jack nodded in response of my question, he then said,

"If you anything sweet, i'm in the mood for sweets right now." He smiled once again, I smiled at him in return and nodded my head as well.

"I have tons of cake, ice cream, candy, hot chocolate, pie, and a bunch of other things! You can choose whatever you desire."  Jack widened his smile and nodded fast, like a little kid. This made me smile since it was adorable. Also, thankfully, I have very high ceilings in my house, so Jack can stand all the way up and not have to crouch down constantly. I looked at the clock in my living room and it read,

~8 : 49 PM~

"Hey, Jack. It's getting late, you can spend the night here if you want."

"Oh uhm, sure. Just for tonight. Thanks, Y/n."

"Fantastic! You're welcome, Jack. Let's go and grab you some food."

~TimeSkip, 10 : 38 PM.~

By this time, Noah fell asleep early and Jay has been asleep for a few hours now. Jack and I were still awake, since my house was a 4 bedroom house, me and Jack shared my bedroom. Because,
Noah has his own room.
Jay has his own room,
My daughter is gonna have her own room.
And I has my own room.

I  am currently sitting upright in my bed, scrolling on my phone while Jack was staring at the ceiling. After about 40 minutes, I plugged my charger into my phone and placed my phone on the nightstand next to me. I laid on my side and Jack did the same, we were now facing each other.

"Good night, Jack. See you tomorrow morning." I said to him as I yawned.

"Good night to you too, Y/n, I will see you tomorrow morning as well." I smiled and rolled over again so that my back was facing him.

After about 50 minutes, I was still trying to fall asleep but nothing wanted to work. I felt weight lift up off the bed, like someone was getting off of it. I knew it was Jack getting up so I payed no mind to it, thinking he was going to grab a midnight snack or going to the bathroom. I then returned to my failed attempts of falling asleep.

☁︎𝔗𝔬 𝔅𝔢 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡.....☁︎


| Word Count - 1,277 |


─︎✧︎ 𝘌𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 | Laughing Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now