46: Negotiations

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As I watch his retrieving figure step inside the mansion, I feel my cheeks heat up. I realize that my heart is racing and my stomach is filled with butterflies. Shaking these thoughts off of my mind, I glance at my watch only to jump in surprise when I comprehend that I'm five minutes late and need to leave immediately!

Rushing towards my awaiting car, I apologize to Louise for arriving late which he is quick to dismiss and we take off towards my next destination. Throughout the entire ride, I aimlessly fiddle with my fingers as I mentally rehearse the way I hope everything turns out.

Taking continuous peeks at my phone I anxiously wait for any more texts from Mr. Dirtbag, but find none. The voice in the back of my mind keeps nudging me, telling me that things might get out of hand and that I need a backup plan.

And out of experience, I know that my inner voice is mostly accurate. But in this situation, my only backup is to come clean to my brothers. 'I just hope it doesn't come to that.' I sigh at my thoughts; I just want all of this to end!

As our vehicle advances towards my destination, my nerves further jumble into a knot and settle in the pit of my stomach as my heart starts racing. The feeling of anxiety and nervousness imbued with trepidation engulfs me putting me in a state of apprehension.

Louise stops the car right outside the entrance and I gulp inaudibly. Taking a deep breath, I sling my bag across my shoulder, thanking Louise I get out of the car. From my peripheral vision, I spot two familiar matt black SUV's further down the road. The small shiny silver symbol sticking up at the base of the hood of the car gives way their identity almost instantaneously.

'I should have seen this coming.'

My security team is here, now not only do I need to get away from my team to have a word with Parker, but now I also have to make sure I stay away from their sight as I do so. Great! I barely find my way out of one situation only to have another one jump right at my face.

Ignoring their presence, I casually start walking. Spotting one of my teammates near the entrance, I walk towards her. We exchange pleasantries and patiently wait for the rest.

One by one each of my teammates arrived, and with their arrival so does the time to face Parker. I glance down at my bandaged hand in attempts to channel my rage in hopes that the nervousness my vanish.

But contradictory to my assumption, the only image flashing in my eyes right now is Noah's and Jason's worried gaze, Xavier's and father's blank yet concerned look, and Liam's and Jack's intrigued eyes.

This wasn't helping at all; I can't afford to feel guilty right now. If Parker gets the slightest doubt and questions the validity of my evidence, I'm in a soup. Taking a deep breath, I put a stop to my never-ending thoughts and pull up my emotionless façade.

Once everyone is here, we proceed inside while still engaged in aimless conversation which I scarcely participate in. But that doesn't seem to be noticed by my teammates, which isn't surprising as I've never been much of a talker—according to them.

As we walk towards the bleachers, I try to spot Parker amongst the almost full stadium but have no luck. Just like he had asked, I make it a point to reach half an hour before the game, somehow managing to convince the others to accompany me as well.

Parker: Meet me near the locker room ASAP.

My phone screen lights up reading the same. I roll my eyes inwardly at his demanding nature.

Astoria: Can't, am with the team.

I text back and wait for him to reply with one of his signature I-don't-give-a-fuck replies. Minutes tick by, yet there is no reply, which intrigues me.

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