39: Cold Sweat

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My Future; what does it hold for me and my expectations from it.

I stare at my computer screen as I try to compose over a thousand words based on this topic. The topic that once only haunted me during my exams, has now started haunting me on a normal day too.

On the occasion of career day, our school has organizer a series of tests to help us determine our potential future goals, so that we can focus on them and have an early start.

This article which has to consist of over a thousand words is just the first step. I scoff when I read the guide points at the end of the page, which is supposed to help us in writing a good article.

o Where do you see yourself in ten years?

'Let's see...Hmm...where do I see myself in ten years? ...Hopefully not dead!'

The future is a topic that has puzzled the minds of almost every teenager at some point in their lives. Choosing a career from an array of available options is like choosing between chocolate and ice-cream.

o What are your expectations from life?

'My expectations from life?'

'Is there even a right answer for this?'

It's funny how some of us have so many expectations from ourselves, but none from life. Even as a mere teenager we know that life doesn't always turn out as we expect it to, then why keep any expectations from it, to begin with?

o What are your Interests? (Things that you are passionate about)

'Basketball? MMA? Shooting?'

'I would love to see Mrs. Russo's expression when she's reading this.' Laughing to myself, I get back to writing my article, which happens to be more physically draining than chasing Jack around the house for the last cupcake.

My anger resurfaces at this memory, giving them the silent treatment for the past two days seems to be going easy. Way too easy, if you ask me. The only people I do talk to are Lindsey and Fallon, other than that everyone living in this mansion along with my so-called 'dad' has been receiving nothing but silence from me.

o Some potential careers you would be interested in perusing after high school or college. (Minimum three different careers)

'Why career day? Why are you being so cruel to me?' I cry out inwardly to no one in particular.

I just fail to understand how do they expect teenagers who don't know what they want to eat for lunch tomorrow, to choose a bunch of careers that they might end up pursuing for the rest of their lives-that's just a bit scary.

Nevertheless, I start ransacking my brain for ideas and talents that might be of any assistance to me in the task of picking three careers for myself.

My mind without permission goes towards the business sector, however much I may try to ignore it, I can't seem to look past the fact that I idolize my elder brother and his work-but I'm never letting that slip out of my mouth.

The way he always has things planned beforehand and is always prepared for challenges has always been an inspiration to me. Maybe business studies could be one of my potential choices-though the aptitude test will determine further.

My next choice will definitely go to engineering, but which one in specific is hard to decide. And my last choice will be digital media, maybe a crime reporter?

'How cool is that?'

o How do you plan on achieving your desired target? How hard are you willing to work towards it?

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