78: I Need Air

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Anger flares in Noah's eyes as soon as the information is divulged by the nurse while Seb is able to maintain a calm exterior, but by his whitened fist that is gripping the edge of my bed in a vice, grip say otherwise.

Exchanging a single glance amongst themselves that doesn't last more than a fleeting moment before the two of them storm out of the room faster than I can say Pikachu!

"What agent from before?" I wonder aloud. "Wait a minute, don't tell me it's that creep Special Agent Louis," I groan at the memory of our encounter at practices.

"You know him?" Liam asks with frowned brows from his place next to me.

"Sadly," I mumble. "He came to question us in regards to my coach getting murdered," I add as an afterthought.

"Funny, Xavier conveniently forgot to add that in the briefing," Liam mumbles under his breadth so softly I barely manage to catch it.

"What briefing?" I blurt out without thinking.

"Nothing major just bringing me on speed with work, that's all," he dismisses, making look at him with slight suspicion.

"Um, Liam?" I call out when silence settles between us.


"Can you take this out?" I say motioning towards my hand that is lying limp on the bed with an IV connected to it. "I'm losing feeling in my hand," I add in hopes to persuade him.

"I guess I could, the bag's almost empty anyway," he shrugs glancing at the bag connected to the IV briefly before shifting his attention back to my hand.

"But I think it's best if I get a nurse to do that," he remarks glancing at his injured hand and hitting the button beside my bed to call a nurse.

My entire body freezes at his action and he is quick to notice it as well. "Don't worry, I'm right here," he reassures ruffling my already messy hair with his good hand earning an annoyed look from me.

Snapping my apprehensive towards the door as soon as I hear it being pushed open, I relax when I see Jack's annoying face instead of a nurses' friendly one. Meeting my gaze his eyes narrowing into a slit before a brief moment before he shifts them towards Liam.

"How the hand?" He enquires directing his question towards Liam while completely ignoring my presence.

'He's such a baby somethings' I think to myself inwardly rolling my eyes.

"Healing," Liam replies while both he and I have our eyes focused on the door.

After another minute or so the door finally opens again and this revealed a nurse who wastes no time in acknowledging my two brothers in the room and makes her way to me.

"What's wrong sweety?" She enquires in a maternal tone that seems to fit her forty-something frame.

"Can you get this out?" I ask shoving my anxiety to the back of my mind and putting up a blank exterior.

Shifting her gaze to the now almost empty bag connecting to my IV she seems to take a moment to think before nodding her head, "of course, I can," she smiles before getting to it.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I refuse to flinch as she removes the needle from my hand after which she gently places a band-aid over it. "There, all done," she announces tapping the band-aid on my hand lightly before exiting the room.

And just as the nurse leaves in walk Lucas and Lorenzo who's eyes flash with guilt as soon as they land on me. "I thought the hospital only allows two visitors at a time," Liam grumbles as the otherwise specious room slowly starts to feel crowded.

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