10: More Brothers?

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Once Liam finished stitching me up he wrapped a bandage around it and gave me instructions on how to take care of it.

Noah lead me out of the room not before I mumbled a quick 'thank you' to Liam. We made our way to the other side of the house, Noah excuses himself to receive a call, not before reminding me about not going into the other side of the house without permission and whispered a quick 'take care' before going back into the forbidden area.

My heart warmed at his last words and a smile made it's way to my face. Having nothing more to do I decided to talk a walk in the garden, I had noticed it the day I came.

I take in the bewildering scene in front of me. Being out here brings me such peace and calm, it's like I don't have a care in the world. An overwhelming feeling suddenly settles in the pit of my stomach. I never got the chance to properly process any of the things that have happened in the past few days.

Than realization settles in. I lost my mum, the only family I thought I had. I discovered I have five older brothers who keep giving me mixed feelings.

Sometimes it's like they don't even care, but the next moment there they are going all overprotective brother mode on me. Ugh, why can't they just decide whether to care or not, at least I'll stop having these mixed feelings?

Then again what Liam said today morning was still haunting me at the back of my mind. If they knew about me why didn't they contact me or better still why didn't I stay with them as normal siblings do?

I was stuck within my self-conflict when I felt something press against my back. By the feel of it, it's a gun. I freeze in my spot.

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get in here! " A cold yet demanding voice yells at me.

'No need to yell buddy, you're just behind my ears, I can hear you a bit too well even if you didn't' I want to say but decide otherwise

I swiftly jab my elbow in his gut and roundhouse kick the gun out of his hand making him stumble and fall to the ground. I quickly put my foot on his hand when I saw him reach for his gun again. The guy looks dumbfounded yet I can see amusement swirling in his steel-grey eyes.

"What the fuck is going on here," A new voice says in the same emotionless tone as Xavier.

I slowly remove my leg from the stranger and offer him a hand to get up. If he meant danger he could have easily overpowered me, but then again why did he have the gun to my back in the first place. I guess that's a question for him to answer.

He takes my outstretched hand making sure not to put to much weight on me and he gets up. I then turn to look at the owner of the new voice. I noticed it belonged to a man around Xavier's age wearing an expensive-looking suit just like my four elder brothers.

It looks like his examining my face and soon he too has the same look like the other stranger a look of shock and amusement.

'Glad I amuse you buddy' I think sarcastically, but again I keep my thoughts to myself

Their faces soon turn into blank ones and two more strangers join us, the more I look at them the more similarities I see between them. They all have the same sun-kissed skin and piercing steel grey eyes except the one who spoke earlier he had piercing bluish-grey eyes.

As they all look at me the same look flashes in their eyes too. And to be honest I getting fed up with that look. I can hear heavy footsteps coming from behind me and before I could turn to see who it is their voice gives away their identity

"What's going on here? "

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