19: Murdered

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"Jackie sh-she was threatening me to stay away from you all. She sa-sai-said t-th-th-that she is the only girl in your li-life and th-that she will break my bo-bon-bones if I tried to ge-get in her wa-way" I must say she did have some pretty good acting skills.

Jack looked angry; he shifted his heated gaze on to me, but then at once directed it down my arm. I followed his gaze making me go wide-eyed when I see blood on my white uniform shirt. Meanwhile, the others sent her murderous looks.

It wasn't much but it stood out on my white shirt. I had taken off my blazer earlier as the heat got unbearable, so when Miss Queen Bee here dug her claws in my arm, it must have cut my skin through my shirt and caused blood to ooze from my arm.

'Great! the first day of school and I have already ruined my shirt!'

Now I begin to feel bad... not for her, but for my shirt. It was brand new and this idiot here had to ruin it.

Suddenly, A high pitch scream sent a chill down my spine. When I looked up startled, I saw Miss Queen Bee rolling on the floor, crying in pain. And for a change, it looked real.

The atmosphere suddenly grew tense, students started gathering around us. Miss Queen Bee turned pink! She was completely embarrassed and my brothers were totally furious. I could hear the sound of mumbling amongst students and some even were even videotaping the whole thing. This just added to the mayhem and her intense embarrassment.

Vexed by the entire situation Lucas urged me into the back seat of the car with him not far behind. Soon we were followed by Jack and Lorenzo.

The ride home was completely uncomfortable. The boys busy on their phones and I just kept looking out of the window. They keep conversing amongst themselves occasionally but kept me out of it.

The fact that they talked about me like I'm not even here irked me.
I was angry not because one of their friends would do something like that, but because for a moment I had come to believe that Jack had accepted her words against his very own sister and had it not been for the blood on my shirt, there was a hefty chance that he would have accused me of doing something I had never actually done.

As soon as Jack parked his car in its designated spot, I made a run for the door leading into the mansion. The tension and awkwardness of the scene in the car was killing me. I didn't even acknowledge the fact that my brothers just behind me, I just keep walking at my pace.

As I walked through the door that leads into the main area, I head for the stairs. I stop in my tracks when I hear unfamiliar voices coming from the living room. My inquisitive mind followed the unknown voices and that led me outside the living room.

I made sure my blazer was on me and carefully entered the room. I did not wish to have to answer probing questions. As I walked into the room, I am greeted with the frightening sight of four police officers and Mrs. Black, the social worker.

They were too busy conversing with Xavier and Noah to even notice my presence. But my brothers sure did, but for some unknown reason, they chose to ignore my presence. I stood there not daring to move any further but my plans of remaining inconspicuous went flying out of the window at the next words I hear.

"She was murdered.." I gasped making my presence known. The officers and social workers look apprehensive in my presence, resulting in the formation of doubt in my mind.

Mrs. Black immediately came to me she placed her chubby hand on my shoulder posing to try to calm me down. But in reality, I knew she was trying to cover her own fear, but it is too late for either. My brain is working at an alarming speed trying to process the words I just heard and I could see fear in her eyes.

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