3: Everyone's Home

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Astoria P.O.V

Once Liam walks out, I take my time to admire the room. This room feels familiar for some reason, everything is maintained perfectly. There isn't a speck of dust in sight and the sheets of the bed look fresh.

I'm overcome with a sense of nostalgia which is strange considering that this is the first time I've stepped foot in this mansion let alone this room. Pushing these thoughts to the back of my mind, for the time being, I decide to unpack and explore my new room with the time at hand.

After about an hour or two I'm finally done. Turns out that the bathroom is actually a freaking en-suite and the closet is a walk-in. My clothes didn't occupy even half of its gigantic area making it look kind of empty.

After I'm done unpacking and exploring the massive area of my room, I decide to go downstairs as I have nothing better to do to entertain myself. I'm not sure where what is located, but I am bored out of mind anyway so a little exploring sound good.

The house or should I say mansion is pretty big. With two spiral staircases, numerous mysterious rooms with most of their doors looking the same. All this made this place look like a maze.

I make my way downstairs and accidentally bump into a hard chest making me fall backward from the impact or my clumsiness I'm not quite sure but either way, I brace myself to meet the cold hard stairs and the rushing of blood and for agonizing pain that would accompany it. But instead, feel strong arms wrap around me firmly stopping me from falling.

I look up, only to be met by a pair of familiar eyes that look similar to mine, just lighter shade with a hint of grey to them. The face of the stranger breaks into a smile when he looks down at me. I can see love and hurt swimming in his eyes.

'Why was this man hurt looking at me?' My curious brain kept replaying this question in my mind, churning up a headache.

"You have grown to be a beautiful girl, Astoria." He says in a soft tone. He helps me balance myself, once content with my posture he unwraps his arms from around me.

I then straighten myself and try to looks as composed as I could be and save myself from further embarrassment. Once I'm sure I won't make a complete idiot out of myself, I shift my gaze to the stranger in front of me and take in his appearance.

The stranger is wearing an expensive-looking grey fitted suit with his hair combed back neatly. We share the same tanned skin, but he has some kind of accent, I can't really put my finger on.

'I guess he is one of my many brothers'

But I don't know which one of my brothers he is. The only thing I was told about my newly found brothers was that they are five of them and the eldest is my guardian who runs our father's company, thus making them insanely rich.

As if he could read my mind, he pulls me in for a hug and kisses the crown of my head softly.

"I'm Noah the second oldest. I hope Liam reached on time to collect you. " He says in a soft tone just as before, his tone and gestures makes me feel like I'm some precious china that will break easily if not handled with uttermost care. He pulls away from the hug only to flash me a welcoming smile.

I smile back. I don't mention Liam reaching late because frankly speaking it wasn't that long a wait and I didn't want to rat out one of my brothers to the other.

Soon Liam joins us near the staircase and guides me to the kitchen wordlessly. Once we reach the kitchen, he places a steaming bowl of Mac and cheese in front of me making me smile at the delicious meal and as if on cue my stomach roars to life. He just chuckles at that and I blush from embarrassment and start eating after mumbling a quick thank you.

When I'm almost done, I hear numerous heavy footsteps and voices coming our way, I just turn to Liam with a confused look only for him to shrug and smile at me.

"Looks like everyone's home. Time to meet all your brothers Astoria," he says sounding a bit too over-enthusiastic for my liking.

'Oh boy, this is going to be one long day'

Author's Note :

This chapter has been edited

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