76: Candy Stripers

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Noah's P.O.V

"For the last time, we aren't called candy stripers anymore!" The brunette in the blue shirt exclaims hopelessly.

"We are volunteers here," she adds calming herself down. "Now if we clear on that, can you please just take your medication," she requests politely with a formal smile pasted on her lips as she motions towards the small cup in Liam's hand.

"Of course," he replies with his signature smirk curving his lips arrogantly. Bringing the cup up to his lips he stops, "although, I still think candy striper suits you better," he teases.

"You're insufferable," she exhales. "But if by calling me a candy striper will get you to take your medication, then fine, I'm a candy striper," she gives in as raw irritation flashes in her eyes.

Even from my spot on the sofa here, I can tell that Liam is enjoying this. The mischief in his eyes is more than evident as he continues to torment the poor girl who looks more than ready to leave the room.

"This place looks like a unicorn threw up in here," he notes.

"It does, now can you please just take your medication, I've other patients who need assistance too," she reasons with him.

"Alright, alright," he chuckles swallowing the three pills the cup contained before chugging down a glass of water making the brunette sigh in relief.

"Thank you!" She breaths out, taking the cup from his hand. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got other patients," she says turning on her heels and walking out of the room at a fast pace.

"But seriously Noah, what's with all this stuff?" He asks me motioning to the teddy bears and other stuffed animals we had someone decorate the room with.

"Seb feels this will help ease Astoria into the hospital thing when she regains consciousness."

He nods in understanding just as both of us shift our gazes to Astoria who's still lying unconscious in her hospital bed. The slow rise and fall of her chest the only indication of life in her, while the monitors connected to her worked silently in the background.

"How much longer do you think she's going to be out?" He asks as he tries to hide the concern in his tone.

"No idea," I reply honestly. "But the doctor says it shouldn't be more than a day," I add as an afterthought.

"You've got any leads on the case?" He enquires while adjusting his sling around his neck.

"Nothing of substance yet, but we have our sources working on it." Nodding in understanding he seems to fall into deep thoughts at my words.

"I've heard Xavier has asked the Genovese family for help on this," he voices out making me nod affirmatively.

"Hope that doesn't backfire." I hear him grumble under his breath; his brows frowned in concentration.

His concern is understandable, asking another mafia family for help can be a gamble, but with our current situation, we need the help.

"Speaking of which, where is Xavier?" Liam asks snapping in out of my thoughts.

"Sergio Genovese is holding a meeting in the warehouse, his team has made some progress in the case," I tell him as I pull out my phone from my blazer pocket and scroll down through my messages for any updates from Xavier on the meeting.

"Why aren't you there with him then?" He enquires further.

I shrug in response. "Jason's accompanying him," I add as an afterthought.

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